What is your goal today?
Hi everybody,I hope you are all doing well!Today my goals are to go to a appointment I have,Make a appointment with my regular Pcp and see what he thinks I should do about this screw up this surgeon made on me!Then it is come home and do some very light cleaning today and then some more rest!Well I hope you all have a great day!!!

Hello ladies,
My goodness I was nuts last night- Was up until 2am re-arranging furniture, shopping etc. Today I want to finish up my MAAADDD preparations for surgery--- cleaning etc. and probably take a nap. I have now hip level piles of projects to do while I am recovering. Photos, jewelry and recipes to get organized. Will I really feel like doing it? Who knows but it's ready for me if I do. Next Wed at this time I will be on my way to a flatter tummy. (almost- surgery is at 11am)
Candi-- I hope you can resolve things with your surgeon and Jeannie-- painting the house... what a project. Isn't it wonderful you have the physical ability to do that.
Take Care ladies--- Lucy