Too old to still be learning!! AGH!!!!!
Ok, so I should know better. I really, Really should. I went to the movies Saturday--saw Zoro ( love Antonio!!), and anyway--ate popcorn. Oh MY God. What is that crap???
I eat popcorn sometimes at home. Ok--so I hadn't been to the movies since the "before",
and I didn't associate that their popcorn is toxic. So now I know. Lets just say---barely made it home
(25 miles of agony!). Saturday evening was not-not a fun night. (The movie was the matinee, at 1pm)
Next time I go--sneaking in pretzels or something. Of course as often as I go---probally not an issue. Have a Graet Day! Bek

Yep - the stuff they use to pop movie theater popcorn can be quite painful and you ain't ever to late to learn. I'm nearly 2 years out and STILL learn that stuff can make me sick.
I eat popcorn all the time with no problem ~ but then, it isn't popped in Frymax [industrial grease] either.
Good luck and have a great day!