OT? Aging Gracelessly
Today, I received one of those little years-of-service pins they give you every five years in my job (hint: "I'm from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and I'm here to help you.") Naturally, I'd have preferred some chocolate to mark the occasion, but I wasn't asked.
Anyway . . . unlike the five-, ten-, and fifteen-year pins, this time . . . well, I can't actually *see* the teeny little "20" at the bottom of the pin. I'm told it's there, though.
Hmmm. Budget cuts must've caused the number to be carved impossibly small, right?
It simply *can't* be that my eyes are too shot to read the number anymore.
To what malabsorption factor do I attribute THIS problem?

If you squint really, really hard, are you able to see if it has a genuine Diamelle? Hold it up to the light and move it around. I bet it is there. Those genuine Diamelles thow off a major glint. If it does have a genuine Diamelle, be sure to post an urgent thread, telling us that you were able to see the genuine Diamelle! We are all just on needles and pins waiting to find out.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay (holding my breath awaiting the next urgent post)
Suzy-It must be something about "our" age as I am having a heck of a time recently reading small print. Right before I read this post I was trying to read the ingredients on my vitamin bottle--I gave up-couldn't read it and I was too lazy to go search for the reading glasses my daughter bought. Malabsorption factor-lol. It happened to me so quickly that I really did wonder if maybe I was having a vitamin deficency.
20 years-Wow! Congratulations! I am sure that government budget cuts made them do the numbers smaller.
Are you feeling old being at the same company for 20 years? I feel old having a 21 and 22 year old daughter and son! On Friday night I sat at dinner with a large group of friends, one couple announced they were great grandparents! Gread grandparent! are you kidding me?
Clearly if your employer knew you better-chocolate would have been the gift of choice.
I am off right now to rid my home of the remaining chocolate candy as I am weak. Have a great day.
Hi Lynda,
It's actually very common when you hit your early 40's or mid-40's to develop presbyopia. I had perfect eyesight until a couple of years ago, but now I can't read anything close up without bifocals. If you just need something for reading, you can get "reading glasses" at a drugstore that actually work quite well.
-- Jim F. high-475, surgery-414, lowest-164, current-192, goal-160
Jim-Thanks, believe me I know that it is common--I was always the "reader in my group of friends (I live in Florida with lots of older people). What surprized me was the suddeness of it all. I have been using my daughter's reading glasses that she bought for some strange reason. What bothers me is I like to read and watch tv at the same time and that is weird.
I don't think that's weird at all. I LOVE to read and watch tv at the same time. And as I'm now 47, I own about 10 pairs of reading glasses and have them everywhere - one pair in the car, two pair in my purse, one on my desk, one in the kitchen, etc., etc., etc.
I probably need bi-focals and but can't make myself do it. I know I look ridiculous because I have to put them on and off all of the time as I need them to read EVERYTHING but can't see across the room with them on. I've turned into one of the little old ladies with their glasses perched on the end of their nose, peering over the tops of them. ha! ha!