? ? ? Tuesday Vows ? ? ?
on 10/31/05 8:27 pm
on 10/31/05 8:27 pm
Hi Folks! I'm back from our long weekend trip to Ohio to visit our daughter. The trip went well, the weather was perfect, and the glorious fall colors were breathtaking. As far as my eating and exercising -- well, let's just say I'm invoking a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. I did finally get my new Electra Townie bike while I was in Ohio. (I couldn't get one here until the end of November and the company apparently doesn't allow them to be shipped.) The temps are suppose to be in the 80s this week so I'm sure I have plenty of "nice" weather left to ride it before the bitter cold of winter sets in.
And with that said, today is November 1st - a new month and an opportunity to throw out the leftover TorT candy and make a fresh start. So, today I vow to:
? Eat fewer than 1200 calories.
? Drink a minimum of 100 oz. of water.
? Work out at the gym after work.
? Take the stairs instead of the elevator at the office.
Did you survive Halloween and the influx of "treats" surrounding you? What are you vowing to do today to stick to your own personal plan for food, exercise, and taking care of YOU?! Com'n and be accountable; once you "say" it then it seems to make you more determined to stick to it!
Good Morning DD,
Sounds like you had a nice time... good to have a fresh start now huh?
I am at least trying to write my food down no matter how bad right now. I had about 4 snack size candies yesterday. Hopefully everyones won't show up at the office today. My TT/hernia surgery is in 16 days so that is on my mind. I seem to be struggling wanting to exercise today. I need to go before work at 9am and just want to go back to bed. Today my vows are:
write my food down
60g protein 64 oz water
exercise 1/2 hour
Hope you have a great day! Lucy
on 10/31/05 9:08 pm
on 10/31/05 9:08 pm
I can't believe you're only 16 days away from the TT/hernia surgery. I can only imagine (since I'm still a long ways from goal) how exciting that must be. You keep yourself on track these next 16 days and you'll come out of that surgery feeling like a million bucks. (Okay, maybe it'll take a week or two but you'll get there!) I'm so proud of you. I agree with the writing it down --- I do SO much better when I keep track of every morsel and drop that passes my lips on their way to my hips!
You have a terrific day too my friend!

Welcome Back DeeDee!
Glad you had a nice trip and was able to experience those briliant colors of Fall. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..........
I survived Halloween with no problem. I don't do candy and don't get trick or treaters either. I did have some popcorn but other than that the day went according to schedule. I even got on the treadmill!
Tonight I am going to an OA meeting. It's been years, but it's another tool I think will help me at this time in my journey to wholeness. I'm sure there gonna be comments about the surgery not being the answer and such, but I will put them in their place and explain how it's a tool just like their program is. I refuse to let what others think stop me from getting the help I need.
Today I plan to:
1.Get all my protein in.
2.Get all my water in.
3.Do 30mins.on the treadmill.
4.Continue working on homework assignments.
5.Go to OA meeting.
6.No eating past 7:30.
Hoping everyone forgives themselves if they strayed from their plans yesterday and picks yourselves back up today. We can do this!
on 10/31/05 9:13 pm
on 10/31/05 9:13 pm
Don't you love getting "mature" enough that you just don't give a flip about some folks' opinions about what you do? I think your idea of going to OA is a great plan. You have to love all those anticipated unsolicited advice types. Sometimes I stand in front of a mirror and practice repeating a few times, "Oh, excuse me, I must have confused you somehow. I wasn't asking your OPINION I was merely TELLING you what I did/do."
Good luck on your plan today -- can't wait to hear how the meeting goes you determined lady in red! =)
on 11/1/05 2:04 am
on 11/1/05 2:04 am
Okay, I'm struggling BIG TIME with the snacks and candies available in the office.
NOTE TO SELF: "You really only want what you are willing to pay for. If the price of attainment is too great for you to pay, you do not desire that particular thing or condition with intensity; hence you do not deserve it."