Survey Says?
Hmm-confession time. No candy yet for me-but I am considering it. However, I had something worse. I drove over to the east coast of florida to see my ps. Afterwards I went shopping at a huge outlet mall. It was getting late and I hadn't eaten anything all day so I tried to get something before I left. Big lines everywhere--maybe because many people still don't have power. So then I decided to walk to the attached Target--by this time I was exhausted. Staggered my way through Target looking for cheese--darn, it's not Super Target--only a Greatland. No cheese--by this time I'm ready to grab anything. A snack bag of Fritos was the first thing I saw--grabbed it and ate most of the bag on the way home.
Bad Lynda.
1 Fun Size Nestle Crunch: Yummy
1 Mini Box of Junior Mints: Refreshingly Delightful
1 way ticket to the Betty Ford Clinic for Fun Size Weakness Recovery program: Priceless
May the grads be strong...and if not, own our behavior and know that the sunrise brings us opportunity to renew our commitment.
Room #100 Grand
Betty Ford Clinic
Fun Size Recovery Unit
You are too funny!
I was wondering that if you are checking yourself in for detox can I admit myself too? This way you and I can be room mates--Make sure you pick out a nice room with a nice view! My insurance does cover scenic views!
I could not stop laughing !
Expecting to go through chocoholic withdrawls within the next 12 hours!

OK, sign me up for the Betty Ford Program:
1 mini Butterfinger
1 mini Baby Ruth
But last night I was worse:
2 mini Resse Cups
1 mini Kit Kat
1 mini Almond Joy
I just had to open the bag, just had to. Couldn't possibly let the bag stay closed till this afternoon - oh no! I had to 'inspect' the candy - just to insure it was of the proper quality, no mis-shappen pieces or sharp objects accidentially included in the bag. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to the little trick or treaters, ya know. I am hoping for a big turnout today, so there will be no leftovers. Tomorrow will be the worst - all the leftovers show up at my office - UGHHH!
Wish me luck,
Get this gal a ticket to Betty's!!!
And watch out for razor blades when inspecting all of those candy delights! Oh yeah...the razor blades deviously appear in apples...who would want to inspect apples?
Fun Size Recovery Activity for this evening: "Trash to Treasure: 101 Uses for the Candy Wrappers that You Stuck Between the Couch Cushions (so nobody would know)."
Godspeed All.
I want an oompah loompah now, Daddy!
yep been in the halloween candy
one tiny box milk-duds
one small heath bar
two small hersheys
and the rest I am saving.
I purposely did not have my normal carb treats of less than 250 calories each, mid morning and midafternoon so I am pretty close on track with the calories here...........
so for that reason alone I am done for the night!!
gratitude is my attitude
Amanda S VG-DS October 2001
highest >350/342 start of wls journey/156@goal and after ps