***Monday Vows***
Good Morning All!
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and enjoyed the weather. I know I sure did.
I stayed on my plan yesterday (except for the treadmill) and I felt good that I was in control the last few days.
I noticed it's been slow on here the past weekend. I hope if your sturggling that you know you can always get support and encouragement on here. You don't need to go through your 'stuff' alone.
I have been considering going back to OA once a week. My reg.support grp. meeting's haven't been the same in a long time and I know longer attend my surgeons meetings. He know longer is my doctor. The only support I get is on here. Which, has been wonderful, but I feel I need more.
If that doesn't seem to work out for me, than I need to go back to my counselor. I have to pay out of pocket is the reason I haven't gone to here in quite some time.
Anyway, how did you all do yesterday and what are you vowing to do today? Whatever your plan is, do your best!
Today I plan to:
1.Get all my water in.
2.Get all my protein in.
3.30mins. on the treadmill.
4.Start on homework assignments.
Hoping you all have a fresh outlook to start your new week with.
Stay focused and abstinent.
Your Gastric Buddy,
Hey Jeannie,
I at least wrote my food down yesterday. Got in my water and protein and and 25 min walk. I need to get back to OA too. I always wondered when I heard the part of their literature about people have stomach surgery and thought why would they end up back here after that. Ha! Now I know. I am struggling with a long time problem of eating in the night. Been doing it since I was a teenager- maybe longer-- been in counceling and never really figured it out. Anyone have any ideas?
My vows today
Water and protein
Write food down no matter what it is
I know that I still deep within me view food as a "god" of sorts and it bothers me because I think my faith in God should help me overcome.
What a powerful substance food can be... it's socially acceptable, legal,
readily available but can be so damaging. Thanks for being here gang.
Hiya Lucy,
Sounds to me like you did good w/getting all your protein, water and exercise in. And you wrote your food down too. That is an accomplishment right there, even if you continued to eat through the night.
I don't have the answers for you as to why you eat at night, all I know is why I eat, but why don't I STOP is the question.
I thought about going back to OA and maybe having to face some negative comments about gastric surgery not being the answer. No one ever said it was. It's a tool just like the OA program is. I still have to work my program/food plan. At least I have taken all my weight off and I'm not starting from my begining weight of 290!!! I have a few unwanted pounds that I know I can get off. I want to get past the reasons I use food.
I agree w/you about food taking the place of God in some sense. Why don't we allow God to comfort us or trust him w/whatever situation we are eating over. All I know is that I am tired of the battle.
You are absolutley correct about food being a powerful substance and the reasons why it is. We can't say 'I'm just not EVER going to eat again.' They say food addiction is harder to overcome than crack & heroine. We need food to live and our problem is that we live to eat. I pray we who still battle this demon, truly get free one day!
Your in my thoughts and prayers Lucy. Have a blessed day!
You go girl! 5lbs. that's awesome. Job well done. Keep up the excellent job. It pays to do what we know to do.
We don't get kids at our house. HeHe... But having the stuff in my house is not a problem for me. It's something I came to terms with. It's the other stuff I need to consider giving up. Crunchy type of carbs. Heck, just overeating is a problem at times. I just need to say NO!!! Like the saying "Just say NO to drugs."
Thanks for sharing your great success w/us Raven!