Maybe labor beginning?
I have a question (as always!
)...probably too much information, but here goes...
I have had some discharge this evening with some 'brown' blood, along with low backache (constant) contractions that I am aware of but a lot of pressure over the last few hours. I broke out the What's To Expect When You're Expecting book and it said that it 'could' be the beginning of labor; but, it could also be weeks away. Is this part of the mucous plug that I am losing; or, am I zeroing in on nothing?
I'm going to go to bed now, just in case this *may* be the real thing...I appreciate any replies!
Four more days (maybe!)!

I can't answer you because my Labor was sooo off the wall it wasn't funny. Nothing normal happened....
Just listen to your body and if you are concerned call the doctor... it is better to be safe.
Maybe a Halloweenie baby? That would be fabulous!
Good Luck and take care of yourself and the baby....
(might be a little pumpkin.. you never know....)