***Weekend Vows***
Good Morning!
Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far. Hope you all planned for successful eating today too.
I was out of town and have to say I did pretty good. Much better than I have been. I know today will be even better. I'm doing better emotionaly as well and that contributes to my making better choices.
How did you all do yesterday and what are your vows for today?
Today I plan to:
1.Get all my water in.
2.Get all my protien in.
3.No grazing!
4.30mins. on treadmill.
5.Taxi my granddaughter around to a party, etc.
Be successful in whatever you are bound to do today. We all are on a wonderful journey and let's make the best of it.
Your Gastric Buddy,
It's a Blessed Sunday Morning and I hope everyone who attends church remembered to set their clocks back and aren't late for church.
I had a good day yesterday except I didn't get to do the treadmill, but I did do a lot of walking shopping yesterday. That always counts, right! HeHe..
Today I plan on sticking w/my eating plan and try and see what triggers me to want to eat more. I will NOT eat past 7:30 because I pay for it w/acid reflux.
So, how did you all do yesterday and what are you vowing to do today?
Be a blessing today and enjoy the rest of your weekend!