tt and thigh lift
Hi Everyone,
I had abdominoplasty with a belt lipectomy and an inner medial thigh lift on Oct 17th. Soon after they got me into a room they noticed I was bleeding from the back. They called the doctor and just kept rolling me over to stuff new waterproof pads under me to sop up the drainage which was also all over my compression garment (girdle type). The doc stopped by and looked at the incision to find out it had opened about 2 inches on my back. He said to leave it overnight and he'd check on me in the morning. The next day he told me to stay through the afternoon and he'd decide what he wanted to do. He came back after 5 pm that night and told me he wanted to take me back into surgery the next morning to reclose the wound. Not what I wanted to hear of course, but it did need to be done. By that time the wound had opened to a nearly 6 inch hole in my back.
Since we were cash pay we couldn't spend another night in the hospital without paying a whole lot more, so he told us to go home, wash and dry the blood soaked compression garment, put it back on and arrive at 6am the next morning for a second surgery. To make a long story short, we did and I'm fine now. We were not charged any extra money for the second surgery.
Today will be 11 days from the first surgery and 9 days from the second one. For the first 3-4 days I literally could not get in and out of a chair by myself. My husband had to lift me and put me back down. Most of the pain is in my butt since the thigh lift goes all the way around the top of the thighs including my butt cheeks. So I'm sitting on staples all day long. And I'm so swollen that the garment is digging into my thighs and causing a slight infection. My pubic area is also very swollen as are my calves.
Saw the doctor yesterday and he said all of this was perfectly normal. He took out one drain, I still have 2 in and told me to come back next Tues and he'd take out some stitches and staples.
I've lost 151 pounds prior to the ps....he said he removed 5 pounds of skin but said it looked like a whole lot more. He said I was the ideal candidate since I've lost all of the excess weight, have built up my muscles and am very lean.
From what I can tell so far the results look great. I have a nice tight tummy, tight thin thighs and a newly shaped cute butt. I can't wait till the swelling goes down so I can try on clothes and see how different things fit.
I must say this has been much rougher than I expected. I thought I could go back to work next week (after 2 weeks off) but I can only sit at a desk for a short time before my thighs hurt. And I'm still having trouble getting in and out of a chair although I'm doing much better than I was a week ago. I work in a doctor's office and know I'd be miserable if I went back on Monday. So I'm taking another week off. Fortunately I have the time saved up so they can't complain about it too much.
Before the ps I spent lots of time on which had some great advice on plastics. It really opened my eyes to the post op period that was ahead of me at that time. We go into this with such high expectations thinking we're going to look great right away. The truth is that we don't look great until months after the ps due to swelling, bruising, drains and a compression garment.
But I'm sure in the long run when I'm all healed I'll see the wonderful results of my surgery. It was alot of money to spend but I an thankful that my insurance at least paid for the gastric bypass eventhough they didn't cover any of the ps.
Thanks for listening everyone!
Have a great weekend. I'm heading back to my recliner now to take a pain pill.
Terry Coles
Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Wow, what you've gone through. I am having a LBL with tummy tuck and hernia repair in 2 weeks, so I am not looking forward to the pain. But, I am looking forward to getting this excess skin removed. Do you happen to have any pictures you'd like to share?
Take care, and rest as much as possible.

Hey Terry,
I'm so glad you are doing better. Please, take care of those thighs. I know first hand what I went through 3 weeks post op, when Staph infection set into both thighs (had the TT and medial thigh lift combination). It was pretty, believe me. This area in particular is so suceptible to bacteria, you must be cautious.
I'm glad you're able to take extra time off from work. Take whatever time is needed, your health is so much more important than a job!
Sounds like you know the drill.. it will look so much worse, before it looks better.. especially with the thighs.. lumps and bumps and swelling.
Don't invest too much into a new attire. I remember spending all kinds of money after my surgery.. only to be left with pants that fell off 2 months later LOL.
WOWOW - Terry - sounds like you had it rough, at the start, so glad to hear you're doing better with each day that goes by.
I can't believe they actually sent you HOME then had you come back in the next morning for more surgery. Im surprised the fact that you needed "emergency" surgery (round 2) wasnt enough to get it covered under insurance.
A good friend of mine (that gorgeous redhead that also replied to you) had surgery a few months ago that was a "cash pay" ...but within an hour of her surgery they had to rush her back in for MORE surgery (due to a blood clot and swelling) ...but the SECOND surgery was completely covered by insurance because it was deemed an "emergency" ...or something like that. She can probably explain it better in a more "techie" sorta way.
Im glad to hear you're HOME and recouping - from what Ive heard the "thigh lift" can be the most challenging and painful of all the surgeries. LOL, which is probably why my CHICKEN-self will NOT go in and get it done. I keep saying "I'll just wait the 3 years for my original surgeon to get back to the USofA" ...but in all reality, I just don't think I want ANYMORE surgery - much less the most painful one.
Congrats on your successful journey - Lei
many insurances will not pay for treatment for complications from a surgery that was not a covered benefit.
My ins person told me say if I had an infection in my brachioplasty incision (i didn't but theoretical situation) if it was billed as an infection of a brachioplasty incision it would not be covered. But if it was billed as cellulitis of the upper arm it would. semantics and game playing required.
Hahaha.. You give me WAY to much credit. I cannot begin to explain how my "Cash" procedure, with the emergency complication hasn't netting me ONE SINGLE bill YET.. I'm only hoping that this thread isn't read by the insurance gods, or the office staff that might have failed to file anything.. cuz I've yet to see EOB one on the matter.. and praying I neva do!
Wendy (aka : clueless and thankful for it)