Friday vows
How are they going gang? Our regular leaders are both gone... I am a poor substitute but said I would try to keep us going. I have really been struggling. Doing a lot of stress/emotional eating because of my upcoming surgery I think.
Today I vow to
drink water/ protein
exercise 1/2 hour
help neighbor with computer
Hope you have a successful day! Lucy
Thanks Lucy for doing this yesterday while I was gone.
You are not a poor sub. Don't undermine yourself like that. We all are play an important role on this board.
I know all too well the feelings of up coming surgeries. Please don't use food though to calm your fears. It never works! Only adds to the problem. I can say this from experience. Need to take my own advice more often too. But, writing out your fears and talking about them helps more. I will continue praying for you Lucy. You are in God's hands and He will bring you through all of this.
Have a great weekend!
PS Remember I am to talk to anytime you need to.