Neck Lift & Upper Eye Lid - pics
G'morning Rochelle -
...and you were SO RIGHT! I appreciated your help (and many others) via emails and photos and of course, shared experiences. It's easy for a "surgeon" to tell you it's slam dunk"... but I tend to listen more to those that have actually been through it, walked the walk, per se'. LOL - um, now lemme get to your question "just how painful or uncomfortable was it" ...(referencing the tummy tuck/breast lift).
You want COMPLETE honesty, right?
Ive had many surgeries over time..... of all the surgeries, I won't lie or sugar coat it, the tummy tuck was by far the most painful thing Ive ever been through and it took me several weeks to feel HUMAN again - although I was moving (hunched over) immediately and able to shower (alone) within a week of being home -- without needing anything to sit on, during the process.
NOW, that being said? I have several friends here in VaBeach who used the exact same surgeon as I did, with the exact same results and they bounced back just fine and relatively pain free, much sooner. I guess it's just a buncha' different factors, including pain limits, age, ability to bounce back, and just overall health and tolerance levels. As far as my ARMS, they were a breeze (and yet, friends of mine here, have complained that that was the most painful for them)
September of last year I was scheduled for a tummy tuck, anchor incision with muscle tightening and a breast lift. While on the table, they found an 6 or 8 lb tumor on my ovary (sorry my memory sucks) and had to remove the ovary, which cut into the OR time. That being said, the breast lift as never performed. So I had to schedule a second surgery, which in the long run worked out for the best, because with the second surgery, I opted to ALSO get the arm lift and implants.
I have some very detailed notes in my profile under my "Plastic Surgery" portion of the journal, which will cover a lot of what I said, but with a lot more ramblings, musings and accurate details! hehehe, I mentioned my memory fades with time, right?
The ARM LIFT and Breast Lift w/implants was done at the same time, and was relatively a breeze (in comparison to the tummy). The thing that surprised me was that it hurt MORE about 2 weeks AFTER the surgery then it did immediately following. Most of the "hurt" was in the breast area and it was the nerve endings sparking back to life. Good-gawd almighty, did they SPARK! I don't work - but I have a very active life, in general, and was able to be active again, within a few days of being home. Just in a slower-mo, kinda setting.
One thing Im SURE played a big role in my overall HEALING and scarring was being PRO-ACTIVE. I started power drinking protein shakes 4 weeks BEFORE each surgery - and then for 4 weeks AFTER each surgery. It played a huge role in my ability to heal quick and minimal scarring. By power drinking I mean, I went from 1 shake a day (as a norm) to a minimum of THREE shakes a day.
Good luck to you - keep us posted on your progress - Lei

Thanks girlfriend - figure you must like me, if you're willing to get up on a dance floor with me!!
Hey? We still on for tomorrow night, right? Im about to make the reservations for the Comedy club now - you have about 30 seconds to change your mind, or you're officially committed to hanging out with the rest of us looney-bins!
Hugs - Lei
OUCH!!!! OUCH!!!!
You just made up my mind for me! That stuff looks like a lot of pain would come out of it....
(and I have a high pain tolerance, or so I thought)....but I bet you will look simply marvelous dahlink!
OH, I had the upper and lower eyelid thang it!
Hugs to ya...have a speedy recovery!

No, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Looks can be so very deceiving. Trust me, when I say this did NOT HURT at all - seriously. It "LOOKS" a lot more painful then it ever was and if I had to choose which one caused me the most discomfort, it would be the "eye lid lift" ...which you said you've already had done.
I have no clue why the incisions around my ears (and under my ***** don't hurt, but they truly DON'T!! Maybe that part of our face/ear is less sensitive - who knows, but you KNOW me Joyce - Ive very honest and I don't sugar coat things. Never have, don't plan on doing it now.
If you decide NOT to pursue a neck lift, do NOT let it be based on what "looks" painful in photos - because the simple truth of it all, it's NOT. I was actually posting to emails, 4 hours after surgery AND even made dinner that night.
Musta been the happy drugs, cause normally, "LEI don't cook!"
Hugs - Lei

Wow!!! You look wonderful!! Congratulations on all of your success.... I wanna be just like you!!! I totally understand the neck waddle... that and my belly have got to go!!!
Thanks for posting and sharing your me hope that one day I'll look and feel normal.....
Laurie - minus 169 lbs!!
Wowwwww Weeeeeeeee!!!!! Just look at you. What a wonderful sight!!!
Thank you for sharing the pictures with us. I am anxiously awaiting the time for my plastics. I still have alot to lose before I'm ready. Ugh!
I was a heavy weight going in (455lbs.) It is hard to be patient. I'm now at 290 and am getting anxious to loose faster. It seems like it gets harder during the monthly time!!!
Thanks again for your inspiration.
Dancin' D
Donna C
7/7/04 rny/lap -165.
G'morning Donna - ...what kinda' dancing? I LOVE to dance!!!
Hang in there, you're doing awesome with your weight loss. I understand the flusterpation that comes with "waiting" for the weight to come off. I left the "400's" overnight, since I started at that, but the "300"s seemed to take forever to go away - never thought Id see a weight starting with a "2" ...then my doc gives me the good news [cough]... that with this surgery, I should be able to reach 200 as a goal. Um - okay, granted that's much better then when I started - but it wasnt where I wanted to end up. Not sure if my type of personality can EVER be truly pleased in life but Im so glad my body never got the memo from my doc and opted to continue losing, well below the 2-sies!
I agree with you - it does get harder with each month that goes by, but the GOAL to be HEALTHY again, is very much obtainable as you've already proven.
You're a huge success and you have got to be feeling so much better (health) wise, now - vs - where you STARTED.
Major congrats coming your way - have a great weekend - Lei