Neck Lift & Upper Eye Lid - pics
LOL - well, I feel better - but NOT good enough to take my swollen and bruised self to a club for dancing. I have the energy for it, just not the gonads or gumption. The problem with dancing, is you SWEAT (or I do) and no matter how much I try to cover up the bruises, it'll bleed through. With each day, the ones that are there will only get darker before they fade - and a few others that were hiding under the chipmunk cheeks are starting to shine thorugh.
That being said? I can't just sit around this weekend so a big group of us are meeting for dinner on Saturday and then heading to a comedy club afterwards. At least they keep the clubs DARK
Id love to make it down - IF that happens, it probably won't be till Feb. (assuming we take a cruise out of Florida) ...or March, after the hubby heads back out to sea. November is shot - with family coming to VaBeach and we're heading out to WA for two weeks in December.
BUT... we still have YOU coming up here in Januray, right?
Hugs - Lei
LOLOL - BRAT, did you say FLOWERS, he sent you FLOWERS?!?!? Dontcha know I'll be forwarding this thread over to Dr. Galumbeck to read!
Hmmmmph, I feel so... so... used now!

Hey YOU - just a quickie then I gotta run, hubby is getting impatient and methinks he's ready for me to get off the 'puter and upstairs in bed.
When you're checking for flights? Try them coming INTO Norfolk also, not just Richmond. I live about 20 minutes from the Norfolk airport and I would be more then happy to pick your cute self up - you can stay with us here in VaBeach for a few days (before or after the convention) if you want and be a tourist with me out on the Boardwalk area. Also, you can carpool up to Richmond with us, and of course back home.
So maybe the Norfolk option might shave a few bucks off the flight? If not and you end up in Richmond, the offer still stands to come down to VABeach for a few days afterwards, and of course "our little grass shack" is always open to you!
gniteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - sweet dreams!

Leilani, you look AMAZING!!
I am not happy with my neck...always standing in front of the mirror and pulling that nasty skin back...
I even considered trying duct tape
amazing how different i look when I do that....i think i would forego any other plastic surgery just to have what you had done...I am thrilled you have such an awsome doctor....too bad I'm in Ohio.....
I am by no means vain, and having RNY was the best thing healthwise for me to do but.....sigh.....i really want to get rid of my wattle too.......hopefully I can...
congrats on your sucessful surgery....he did good..
Andi B. in Ohio

G'morning Andi -
Ohhhhhhhhhhh - I know ALL about the "posing in front of the mirror with the skin pulled tight from behind my neck" ...just to see what kinda' difference it would make. In fact, when my hubby would go on and on about how "it doesnt look that bad" ...the only thing that would shut him up, or at least get him to take off the rose colored glasses, was when I showed him how it would look if the skin were TIGHT, like it should be.
LOL - he couldnt agree fast enough, at that point.
Good luck to you should you decide to purse the de-wattle'n - Lei

Hi Lei,
Thanks so much for sharing the pics and your experience. I'm looking at doing a lower face/neck/eye lift after the first of the year. I'm glad to hear you didn't have a lot of pain.
I carried a lot of weight in my face and neck----and I have a few years on you to boot, so I totally understand how you felt about the excess skin. I can't wait to get it done!
Thanks again for sharing.....
-147# @ goal
G'morning Connie -
Isnt' it amazing how our PHOTOS manage to HIDE the excess skin (wattle) around the neck and chin area? I would NEVER have guessed that you had the same problem/challenges. I shared a few "relaxed" poses with some very close friends, before my surgery and many were surprised that it was as bad as it was - and these ladies see me on a daily or weekly basis. It's all a matter of looking upwards and jutting out the chin - not a very natural or comfortable pose and Im so glad I don't have to do that anymore!!!
Please let us know how your surgery progresses and take pictures, lots and lots of pictures. There just isn't that much info to be found in profiles and I was AMAZED at how many people were too embarrassed to discuss it openly - although I respect their decision.
LOL - heck, I don't care if people think it's VAIN - if it makes me happy and content AND I can help others with my experiences and photos then ta' heck with the rest.
Hugs - Lei
Well, dear, I have to confess that the photos were done by Glamour Shots, and I paid extra for them to retouch them---i.e. remove the waddle!! So easy to remove from a picture, much harder to remove for real!
And I'm with you on vanity---these are strictly cosmetic procedures, but I'm going for it, too, with no apologies!!
Super pictures. Congratulations, you look fabulous. I am just recouping from a facelift and necklift (9/1/05) and I too had little discomfort (probably the easiest surgery yet). I had a tummy tuck and arm lift in January and I totally understand how you are feeling. (LIKE A NEW PERSON IN A LOVELY BODY). I must say you look wonderful and good enough for a bathing suit. I would need a lot of work on my legs before I could do that, and even then I am not sure it could really be done, so I have not bared anything in a bathing suit in probably 15 years. I am totally jealous at how wonderful you look in one (tee hee hee). That is the only thing I am afraid to do yet (go in a bathing suit). I thank you for posting your pictures, I really enjoyed viewing them. You are much braver than I. (I will not put my pictures as few people know I had the RNY, and I want it that way -- I'm rather private), so I thank you for allowing us to see yours. Hugs to a pretty lady. Missy
G'morning Missy!!
Im still surprised at how LITTLE pain and discomfort there was with this surgery. When I first met with the surgeon and he covered all my previous surgeries (C-Section, Lap Gallbladder, Open RNY, Eye surgery, Ear Surgery, Arm lift, Breast Lift, Tummy tuck, Ovary removal, etc) he pretty much chuckled and said this would be a mild annoyance at best.
Boy oh' boy was he RIGHT!!!!
The worse day, was the first day - and even that wasn't horrendous. Another plus about this neck and eye lift thingie? It seems with each day there is a HUGE difference in the healing, swelling, discomfort. Not just a slight change, like the other surgeries, where you were "hoping you felt better, but you knew you really didn't" ...Im just so thankful the recovery has been quick.
Of course, another upside? The bruises LOOK so much more painful then they really are so you can BET, Im milking all kinds of sympathy and attention from da' hubby, because of it.
Continued success and happiness to you - hugs, Lei