Neck Lift & Upper Eye Lid - pics
Hello friends -
My neck lift surgery was this past Monday (a/k/a a lower face lift). I also had the doctor do my UPPER eye lids while he had me under. The cost to have the lids done at the time of the neck lift was $950, the cost at a later date would have been $2650. Well, that's a no brainer - get busy, doc!
I originally only wanted the wattle under my chin removed. It was starting to really bug me, to the point that I found myself "jutting my chin outwards" or looking in an upwards kinda direction all the time, in hopes of stretching that sucker out. Sometimes it worked, other times, well, it just looked ridiculous!
I finally decided that it was NOT something I wanted to live with. I can hide the ripples in my thighs and layers on my butt with a tight pair of jeans, the neck, however is OUT there for ALL to see. I was going to use Dr. Singer (Dr. Merrels replacement) in Suffolk, but decided to check around and see who else was out there, first. I'm so glad I did!!!!! Not that I think Singer would have done a bad job, but because I was absolutely SURE Dr. Galumbeck (in Virginia Beach) would do an excellent job - add to that, his pre and post op care is awesome.
If you're in the VABeach area, I highly recommend this doctor and his staff. When's the last time you had an Anesthesiologist call your house, 2 days after surgery just to "see how you're doing"?!? I was shocked when she called - she also left her cell number, in case I'd needed her for anything and so did Dr. Galumbeck. Talk about some fantastic after care - whi*****luded 4 "oxygen hyper baric" treatments ...1 hour each session. 2 ultra sound muscle treatments for around the neck and chin area (after the stitches come out). Finally, after Im completely healed, a deep facial massage and cleansing treatment ...just cause!!
The total cost for the lower face lift, eye lid lift and after treatments was $7,450 - cash out'a pocket. Never even tried to submit it for insurance, since I'll be the first to admit, it was a vanity decision NOT a medical one.
Of ALL the surgeries Ive had, this was absolutely the easiest to recoup from. I'm 3 days postop and going stir crazy staying at home. Of course, the swelling and bruising is enough reason to stay INDOORS for a bit. The surgery was about 2 hours long, 1 hour in recovery and then I was on my way home to my own bed.
Current photos are linked below, if anyone is interested in the process. It's damn near impossible to find this information on the OH site - so I thought I'd share mine.
Enjoy your week - Lei
Hope I get these links right - I messed 'em up BIG time, last time I tried.
Neck lift (a/k/a a "lower face lift) from the side:
Close up of sutures front and back of ears:
Close up Eye Lid Lift - before pic, hours after surgery, 2 days post-op:
Entire album:
? Tummy Tuck w/muscle tightening, Anchor incision (Sept '04)
? Breast Lift w/implants (March '05)
? Arm Lift (March '05)
? Neck lift (aka Lower Face Lift) and an UPPER eye lid lift (Oct. '05)

I didn't stop to look at your pictures, but I'll go there right after I post this reply. I'm DYING to know why you get Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO!!) treatments following surgery?? The oxygen is normally used to heal hard-to-heal wounds or promote increased tissue growth. What's it for in your case?? REALLY curious!!
Anyway, congrats on your face!!
On my way to see your pics now!

Hello Jan -
Dr. Galumbeck tends to err on the side of caution, especially since he takes each case so 'personally' and tries to protect the outcome, if that makes sense?
To make a long story short.... I'm a SMOKER! Off and on for 27 years now. Quit for almost 2 years just before my RNY surgery, started up again last year - the agreement we had (Doc and I) before he'd even agree to surgery is that I had to be smoke free 2 weeks prior to surgery and 2 weeks after, and do 4 HBO treatments, 2 prior and 2 after.
Also, I had to quit cold turkey - no patch, no gum, due to nicotene that those products release into the blood stream. Eeeeek!
Anyway - I didn't argue with the expert and although giving up cigs with little to no notice was NOT easy (Ive at least gotten creative with hiding the bodies) ...IT was worth every challenging minute!!
-- Lei

Oh, I get it now! So in addition to stopping the smoking, he wanted to be sure that as much oxygen as possible was in your body post before and after surgery!
I really hope you put down the ciggies now and leave them down!! I'm a reformed smoker too, and I'm so glad to be free of THAT addiction! It wasn't easy, but so worth it!
Your pictures are fantastic! What a difference!! I can see why you had done what you did, and your choice in surgeons was obviously the right one!! Congratulations!!!

Hello Lisa!!
You always leave me feeling so 'wunnerful - thank you for your kind words.
Where in VA is your brother? Maybe we can drag him to some of the luncheons or dinners? It's always easier to "learn or research" something when it's up close and in person with others mulling over the same thoughts, you know?
Hey? ...are you going to drive up for the Richmond gathering in Januray? You realize you're too close to say NO, right?
Hope to hug you in person, soon! Hubby and I will be there, the rooms are already booked - just gotta get the paperwork in the mail to David for the registration.
Hugs - Lei (and thanks, again!!)

My brother is in Chesapeake. I will ask him again for permission to email you his number so you can "invite" him to some of the functions.
I don't know about January - hadn't really given it a lot of thought.....BUT now I will. I would love to meet you guys and maybe I could drag my brother along....HMMMMMM
Love ya!

Wow, You are gorgeous! Not that you weren't before of course. I really never saw your chin waddle--but what a difference I see now. That is cool that it has been easy to recover from--that is how I felt about the tt. Of course--I'll probably pay it back when I get the arms and breasts done. The idea of the hyperbaric chamber is so cool. Glad to see you are recovered well. Are you back out dancing yet? Are the scars well hidden by your hair? I remember having dinner one night with a woman who had just had her eyes done. She wore sunglasses inside. haha! Well take care and stay in touch. Ok--if we are in competition for docs here--My anesthesiologist called me once afterwards, but my doc (Dr Shuster)called several times and sent me flowers! Plus my tummy looks awesome! Oh and when I have a question, I email and he responds right away. I love email (that way I can ask ?s and not look him in the eye-lke when can I golf?).
Poor guy has pretty extensive hurricane damage over in his area and his office is closed this week--but he still called to check on me. How does a hurricane hit on one side of Florida and cause more damage on the other? Actually--I think the construction over there is not so good as it was mostly done before hurricane Andrew.
Do you have any plans to come down here this winter? You know my door is always open right? We can compare scars--haha!