newbees get mad
congrats on all sucess !! you truely look amazing !
I will have to agree here..MOST the time I DO NOT devulge my eatting habits cuz i know im not exactly the poster girl for RNY eatting rules..BUTTTT, Im at goal weight and happy with my size so I eat however and whatever i want..
what i eat/ate when i was big was my business then as it is NOW too !! I didnt have this surgery to diet for the rest of my life !! id have NEVER thought id get to the size I am now and be healthy and LOOK like i do
so i feel good about me !!
soooooooooo, that is all that counts. i avoid the main board and or chat ..gotta have a bullet proof vest on for that
but for the reasons you stated a lurkazooid
JennA @goal
OPEN RNY 11/25/03

See that's just it. There is nothing wrong with "eating like a normal person" as long as we remember not to get bat**** crazy about it. We did this so we could live like a NORMAL PERSON, didn't we?
I don't think there is a single one of us that does not, from time to time, indulge in something we might not do on a daily basis. First, why do you think they call them a treat? Second, My "fat" doc once told me that a tiny slice of that cake was not gonna hurt me ~ it was eating half the damn cake that would do me in.
So ~ Be normal, be happy and like I posted earlier, when life hands you some lemons, heck with the lemonade - ask 'em to pass the tequila and salt.