newbees get mad
I was just in chat and the newbees get mad if you dont follow the WLS bible on eating! You would think I was a axe murderer when i told them how i eat, They gave me a lecture that I got sick of and so I reminded them I have lost 267 pds and am almost 3 years out, whatever I am doing is working for me and I wished them all well and got off the chat. Do not think I will be chating again for some time lol... Have a great day!!!
you can't win. when they say they admit to eating anything bad they get jumped all over too.
we all have to do what works for us.
for some people that is 5 protein drinks a day and vitamins and no real food. for me it is all food , and vitamins and no shakes. some people rave on the sugar alcohols, they nearly kill me and I know I'd gain eating the artificial sweet no nutrient stuff. some people swear they are under 20 gms of carbs a day and I know I eat 5 times that amount. we all have different ideas. I try to learn from others, filter out what makes common sense to me and ignore the rest.
I say if it works for you fabulous. but if it doesn't or you suddenly started packing on some pounds you would need to re evaluate your situation if it is making you unhappy.
Randy - I don't know an answer to your question yet as I am searching as well. What you'll find is many here are searching for that right balance. Unfortunately what worked at one time does always work. I had no trouble keeping my weight off and at goal until I was a little over 2 years out. Then my appetite and cravings kicked in and I gained about 15 lbs. So I'm doing what I can to tweak what's out of balance. My best days are when I eat primarily protein, accompanied by veggies/fruit, but little, if any, simple carbs. Problem is I can't seem to keep that routine up every single day. So I have good days and bad. I'm a work in progress...
Betsy C.
Hi Lee,
This topic has been coming up alot.
I was having the same problems on the chat boards that I use on another site.... the newbies think eating ice cream even though it says no sugar added at 6 weeks out is great, eating crap is ok in moderation... blah blah blah. And for some reason us 1+year people think that we should set them right, I almost feel like it's my duty because I've been there! But to be honest, people are going to do what they want, good or bad, and unless they ask my opinion, I don't even try anymore. Let them learn on their own that behaviors learned at 3 months affect the rest of their post op life. I'll revisit with them again on the topic if they start complaining that they are gaining weight at 11 months out!
Take care,
i never go to chat for various reasons. I got tired of it a couple of years ago. As far as the newbies, you know they are the perfect post op patient. I kibnd of laugh every time I see their posts about how they would never do this or that and if I am in a real pissy mood, I tell them to come back in a couple of years and tell us how they are if they haven't already gained all their weight back. See why I am so popular over there on the main board. I **** somebody off at least once a day.
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I get PISSY!!!!!!!!! I told someone on the main board yesterday that I thought the "getting to know you posts were getting a little too personal. One question was about finances and the other about have you been in jail. I got flammed big time by the question asker, who by the way, is an old timer. Then everyone else said,, we knew she (meaning me) would have something to say. She is always contrary.
Why!!!!!!!!! what do they know? I am the sweetest thing next to that mini chocolate bar that gal had the other day!!!!!!!!