What is your goal today?
My goal's today are to definitaley get all my fluids in because it seems to be helping with this Flu I have,I am not so worried about the protein right now until I am feeling better.Then wash dishes-done,feed the birds-done,sweep the floors-done,vaccum the rugs-done,Laundry-in the process,Finally put the final touches on my costume,then I want to try to find 50 cents so I can get a newspaper a find a job I am tired of sitting around all day doing the same things over and over again and plus struggling at the end of evry month.Then I need to sit around today and hopefully hear from a online friend today that I have been worried about all night because he had threatened to harm himself and I tried talking to him but then he disappeared on me and I couldn't call the Authorities because I have only been talking to him for a few days and I don't know his last name or what town he lives in so all I can do is sit here and worry and wait.Then it is off to get the kids from school and do all the regular after school and parent stuff.Well I hope you all will have a better day then I am going to have!!!