Honest opinions needed Re alcohol
Hi Michelle,
I would say be careful. It is very easy to replace one addiction (food) with another (alchohol, shopping, exercise... wish I had that one!!).
Here's one thing to think about. As a post-op, alchohol is not handled the same by the body, and has the same effect on your liver as 4 or 5 drinks. One drink a night will be impacting your body as if you were having 4 or 5. Every night! Long term, this could be a problem. A doc once said to me that he would hate to see his patients beat obesity only to end up with chirrosis of the liver.
That said, I understand what you're saying because I have a desire for that one drink as well. For me, it's a glass of wine in the evening. I don't indulge too often, maybe once every couple of weeks, but I think about it alot more than that. The whole addiction thing worries me though, so I limit myself. The fact that you (and I) think about that drink frequently is no doubt a red flag.
So, my opinion is that every day is not a good thing, physically or otherwise. I like to think once in awhile is OK though