T-Starting Your Day Right
October 25th
Find Balance
Since all this is true, we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard, lest in any way we drift past (them) and slip away. Hebrews 2:1
When Satan finds people out of balance, he has an inroad to destroy their lives. There are people who get out of balance in everything: from not sleeping, to sleeping too much; from not cleaning their house, to trying to keep it so clean that nobody can move in it.
Find balance; balance keeps your day going right. Satan doesn't much care if you don't do enough of something, or if you do too much of it, as long as you don't stay balanced. Take time to examne yourself prayerfully, and ask God to show you how to remain balanced.
Oh, this is going to be my prayer today for sure. God show me how to stay balanced. I am so tired of going around and around the same thing in regards to my eating. I get on a good track and then I blow it and then it repeats itself over and over. This is true in other areas of my life as well. This truly spoke to me today and I hope it did you too!
Hi Mary!
I can't take the credit for these devotionals. Joyce Meyer's is the woman who wrote this book.
What she says is true and how blessed we are to have such eye opening revelations available to us. Now if we would just apply all of this to our daily lives.
You have a blessed day as well Mary.
Hiya Dx!
I like Creflo too! I hear ya about the pettiness of the world.
I really had to pray about posting these devotions. I wasn't sure how it would be taken on here. Thought I might get told I have to post only on thesent Christian Board. I'm glad I found favor! I know God is moving in so many of our lives on here and I just want to be a vessel He works through. With all my imperfections and all, He still uses me.
Praying all goes well for you in Boston. You will have to update us on how everything goes. My hubby is working just outside of Boston in Hudson. He's been there about a month now. I can't believe how time has gone by already. Anyway, you have a safe trip and be blessed Dx.