PS rejection from ins
I too, was denied a tt by bcbs..i do not have what they qualify as being enough has to hang INTO the pubic area..mine does not ! i dont have the money to spend on a tt right now so i have just accepted this and try not to think negatively on in rather try to see the positves of my massive wl...the insurance co considers it cosmetic BUT my opinion is at least on my policy IF you had breast cancer and have to have your breast removed they will cover implants to look this not cosmetic?? i dont understand the difference...why wouldnt a person that lost over 100 pounds want to look 'normal' also by having the excess skin removed
I hate it too but just know your by far not alone in this !
oh yeah I had my ps AND my pcp submit letter AND documentation of EVERY little rash, even when my rash wasnt really a rash i always called drs office and got something prescribed to me for it cuz i knew it would be an STILL didnt help..bcbs said 'the photos submitted DO NOT fit our critera for coverage for a TT' sooooo, when i asked about an appeal they told me the ps office has to do it NOT ME..when i asked ps office about doing it they were like 'what else can we do or provide that we havent already?" their guess was as good as mine.i kinda figured id get denied so i wasnt surprised.
good luck with your situation!