What makes you a graduate?
I just discovered this board last week & wonder if I would be considered a graduate? I am almost 2 years out but have another 15 or so lbs to get to my goal, if I ever get there. I no longer read the main messageboard. I just no longer want to read about pre-op problems & all the probems we had in the first few months. I'm happy to help out when I can but I'd rather read about concerns of others who are at about the same stage as me.
Can I join in?

You bet! The more the merrier. You're a grad if you've had your surgery a year or more ago.
Even though there aren't as many posts on here, I find it better too, due to the common bond we all share in our journey. Much more in common, I think with others who are farther out like myself.
Being a grad is a 'state of mind', having passed through so much of that 'other' stuff. Its not so much the passing of a specific date on a calendar as it is surviving, dare I say, surmounting a collection of WLS-related events. The grads have broken through most of the obstacles and are now cruising. We have left the chaos that seems to dominate so much of the pre-op and early post-op life. We have a sense of time and proportionality about matters. Seldom is anything really urgent here. We know that a question about the taste of protein supplements is not urgent; maybe important, but not urgent.
So do come and recline with us here. The pace is slower. The atmosphere less charged. The drama lessened quite a bit. It is also more honest.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay (a former resident of Iowan who still considers himself to be an Iowan)
Everyone is welcome here...it's a nice group of people who have learned (and are still learning) to deal with real life following WLS. Some are at goal, some are just at a comfortable stopping point and others still wish to lose a little more.
We've been through so much physically and emotionally and this is just a good place to get a loving kick when it's necessary or a hug when you just plain need one.
People here are serious (but not dull!) and honest about failures and successes and it's the best place to share.
Yep and talk about that learning!!!!! I am about to click over to my 2nd surgiversary and I am gonna tell you. I finally learned *why* I don't make spaghetti all that much and when I do make it, *why* I don't eat it. I was so sick. I felt like I had a rock in my belly and do ya think it would come out? NOT!!!! foamed like a rabid dog for a bit though.
I still want to get rid of 20 pounds, but at my age, it is unlikely - not impossible, but unlikely. So we shall see what happens, eh?
Welcome to the Grads Board where we find out that, in fact, school is always gonna be in session!
i have just been directed here as well, i am 16 months out and have far exceeded my goal. my habits are starting to slip. and i have gained a few pounds over the past few weeks but am still maintaining my goals. I had a great profile page so you could all follow my progress without me reporting it here but have lost it. (am working on getting it back up and running) i went from 300 to 155 since June 22, 2004 today I am 165 and worried about putting on more weight. that is me in a nutshell and its good to be back.

I can't add much to what has already been said, except Welcome! We are all pretty much at the same stage and dealing with quite different issues than on the main messageboard. Some of us post more often than others (I'm more of a lurker than a poster) but I get great support here, much more than anywhere else, including my in-person support group. Look forward to chatting with you.
Betsy C.
P.S. I also need to figure out how to upload my picture.