Ok Ok.....I've been gone a long time. Just getting back in the groove. Same old same old. Still struggling with about 7 pounds I can't lose. GRRRRRR. Back on track now...no junk....and riding my bike 10 miles a day. Though with the hurricane...may have to go walk on the treadmill downstairs tomorrow.
Going to take some of Patty's advice...and no cantalope, watermelon or pineapple! I do eat carrots...but it's funny....they sometimes stick and make me throw up. Been doing more of that lately too. I chalk that up to old habits creeping in...and eating too fast and not chewing.
Sometimes I dump and sometimes I don't...its a crap shoot.
I'm constipated......is that TMI?
I had an 'experience' last night. No no...not with Dougie....well, it sorta was. We went down to Main Street with all the bikers last night and rocked with our favorite blues man. It was really crowded and we stood at the edge of the dance floor for nearly 2 hours. I cannot stand still when Mark blows the harp...so I was just groovin and having a good time. Then I happened to look across the room...thru the crowd...and caught 2 women making fun of me. You know how sensitive we are to that stuff...so I KNOW what they were doing. And they were laughing at me. At first I was a little shaken...like in the old days...and then it dawned on me....these are 2 fat women. One was even MO. And they were laughing at me. I told Doug and he looked over at them...and said...'yep...they are and they are doing it because of their own insecurities. They are jealous." (I did look goooood) But still. I hope I didn't do that. I can't remember doing that. Oh well.
Went to see my favorite Bariatric surgeon last week....I promised him I would bring that 139 back down to 132....and bless his heart...he said.."I don't want you to weigh 132."....I WANT YOU TO WEIGH 125." Holy crap. Like thats gonna happen. I'll be happy to see 132 again. Though there is this dress....................!
What else is new.....
Oh...I'll be making eyeballs for a halloween party....sugar free....if anyone wants to know how to make them...let me know...they look so real you won't believe it....LOL.
I'll try to post more often.....
Hugs from the beach
on 10/23/05 9:43 pm
on 10/23/05 9:43 pm

Hey Double D......fleas....I like that. The eyeballs are the coolest and I can't WAIT to make em. I'm gonna share em with the condo next door because the recipe makes 96....and these babies are soooo real looking, folks probably won't eat many of them...and they should actually be good...made with cream cheese and pineapple and lemon jello....I'll give you the link here to the site where I found them....I went to Michaels and bought the truffle molds....they were only $1.29 each so I got 4....might go get a few more....so I can make them all at once. Here's the link:
There's a lot of neat recipes there.....but the eyeballs are classic....
Long time no see. I have been thinking of you lately. No particular reason. Just wondered where you have been. Glad to see your post.
People can't stand to see others having a good time because they are sooooo.... miserable themselves. It seems that you handled yourself well. I don't know if I would have. I might have gone over to them and said something, but knowing my hubby because of him knowing me....haha...he would have done everything in his power to stop me to save their butts!!!! Doesn't matter the size to me. (well now that only is in regards to the size of the females azz to kick) as far as men go...oh we won't go there......
I need to share an experience I had on Fri. while having lunch w/an old friend and what she said to me reminds me of why I don't visit w/her much anymore. I showed her some recent pics of me and she saw the one I have on here and she said: get this--- that is the Dorkiest picture I have ever seen of you and just laughed and laughed. My mouth dropped open and I said your kidding me right? She then proceeded to try and cover it up by saying no I'm just kidding, its' just that we call people like that (my pose) something something, I can't even remember the words she used cuz I was still dumbfounded. She was referring to Southern Woman being all snobish. I said hey I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman with that hat on. I really felt quite like a Lady. I refuse to let her get me down. She has to be jealous! She has made comments about me even when I was MOB. Before I started coloring my hair red, I first bought a red wig. I knew better but asked her what she thought. First mistake, asking her opinion. She said I looked like a hooker and her husband agreed! These two very seldom have anything nice to say about people. Before I knew it she died her hair red too. This woman tried to cut her hair like mine also. For someone that tries so hard to put me down is trying her best to look like me. What does that say? She is jealous! I won't even say it's because she is still overweight herself, because I have a sister thinner than me and made a few remarks about my jewlery when I saw her a month ago. Why can't people keep their crude comments to themselves? I guess I just am learning to let things run down my back like a duck cuz you can't change the way people are but I sure can change they way I react to them.
Hope you are here for awhile Charlie, you sure have been missed girfriend. I told Lynda she needs to make a trip down this way to go shopping. When she does, we have to get you to come join us. We will have a blast. The malls won't be the same after they get a taste of the three of us. LOL......
Stay safe and talk to ya soon!
You just keep wearing your hat. More people need to do that! I'm a member of the Red Hat Society and own 23 red hats. Since I joined, I have bought many more hats of varying colors and styles as well and LOVE how I look and feel in them! I get so many compliments whenever I wear one!
You go girl!
And Charlie - like you said, just be a duck and let it roll, girl! Have fun and enjoy that new gorgeous body! The heck with everyone else.
Hi PJ!
I wear my hats proudly to church and wherever I want! I too get many compliments so I'm not letting this one person take that away from me. I am not a member of the Red Hat Society yet, but am looking forward to becoming a member one day. It looks like you woman have a blast!
Thanks for the response.