What is your goal today?
I am sorry to say but my goal today is complete bed rest,I went to the Doctor's yesterday and because I waited a week and a half before I went and thats only because I couldn't handle it anymore,well it turns out I have a severe case of the Flu.So she said bed rest for the next 5 to 7 days.So I thought I would hurry upand get this posted while the kids were getting ready for school and then I am back to bed.Well I hope everyone has a great day!!!

Awwwwwwwww sorry you have the ful Candi. I'm sending up prayers for a quick recovery. Bed rest sometimes is truly what we need. You need to do this for yourself to get better. Don't worry about the housework etc. it will be there waiting for ya. Hopefully you can get someone to come in and help during this time. Feel better soon!
My goals for today are to get on that treadmill no matter what! Face my emotions and give them over to God and do some reading.