Kiki just made me strong
Okay so a co-worker of mine who's light duty right now and doesn't even know I had this surgery just came in and offered me a cream puff - a big delicious looking completely scrumptious eye tempter - that is BAD for me and WILL make me
no matter WHAT type of moderation (loosely using that word) I use.
I realized YES I DO HAVE CONTROL and NO I WON'T USE moderation in this case. Do I want to feel sick, do I want to feel out of control - do I want to make poor choices?
No I DO NOT! I will take responsibility for myself today. I will use the support I get here to realize that I am human and that I feel strong today and that I appreciate all the strength and support I get from all of you.
Was that a ramble
I think it was.

No it wasn't a ramble, but if you think it was and it helped you, than ramble away.....
I am soooooo proud of you! You used the power of abstaining. You had a choice and you chose what was best for you. Making that choice felt better than that cream puff would've tasted any day. Good for you!
This is how we support each other. Sharing our strengths and weakness both contribute to all of us.
Thanks for sharing this moment with us.
Way to go done GREAT!!!
I wish I could say the same for myself...I just got home from work, poured myself a small bowl of "Life" cereal and am now starting to feel the effects of a full blown dumping session coming on. I'm even skipping my shower until I get up later so I can lay down...
Be good...Cap'n K-Man