? ? ? Wednesday Vows ? ? ?
on 10/18/05 8:29 pm
on 10/18/05 8:29 pm
Well, I managed to get back from a long trip and was overwhelmed when I got to the office. My vows for yesterday went down the tubes at lightening speed! But, today is another day and my desk is somewhat caught up.
Today I vow to:
? Eat fewer than 1000 calories.
? Drink a minimum of 80 oz. of water.
? Eat three meals and one snack ONLY... no grazing!
? No eating after 7:30 PM
? Take the stairs instead of the elevator at the office.
How did y'all do yesterday and what are you planning to do today to keep your personal vows? I'm looking forward to Jeannie's post from her book for a good motivation which I need today! Y'all have a Wonderful Wednesday and I do fully expect to be here tomorrow declaring I KEPT MY VOWS!!

This is going to be a tough day to be good, but I vow to be as good as possible.
I'm going to a Breast Cancer Support lunch, and I'm not sure what they're serving.
Secondly, I'm going to the Cardinal game tonight (Go Cards), which is two hours away. That means I'm not sure where I'm eating dinner.
I vow to try to get in as much protein as I can and avoid as many carbs as I can.
I vow to drink at least 64 ounces of water.
I vow to park far away from the stadium and walk fast to get there and back.
I finally got back on track, and it feels so comforting. I hate that out-of-control feeling overeating brings.
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!
On the run, but still trying to be faithful ....
I promised myself I would post today.....Here I am
And I am actually kinda proud of myself. For being out of control for what seems like forever.....I did good yesterday
Now the tricky part.....continue today!!!! Yesterday I took all my pills....ate well with only one good for me snack
.....I drank my fluids....and did laundry (tho still need to fold and put it away)....plus I did some extra cleaning and stuff!!!! I am down a pound too
So today I vow to CONTINUE.......Eat well.....drink well......take my pills.....and get some walking in
And I will be reporting again tomorrow! Thanks and take care

I am still struggling with grazing. A little short on my water yesterday... so the plan today is
3 meals/3 snacks
60 protein 64 water
taking the day off from exercise/ have church tonight
Take all my pills including extra Vit. C and echinacea-- feel a sore throat coming on.
BREATHE! I get all anxious thinking about money, surgery, recovery, asking for help, projects around the house and yard that need attention
like a $1400 dead tree project I have been trying to get done for months. Our tree guys are soooo busy it seems. Whew!! I didn't realize how much I had spinning around in my mind. No wonder I am stressing!!! Well have a good day ya'll.. Thanks for listening... Lucy
Good Morning Everyone!
DeeDee, yesterday is in the past and today is the present. So do today what you know to do and do your best. Remember 'Nothing tastes as good as thin feels".
I did well yesterday except I didn't get my reading in. Been fighting a headache the last few days.
Today I will continue to do what I know to do.
1.Get all my protein in.
2.Get all my water in.
3.Do 30mins. on the treadmill.
4.Get to church on time.
Have a successful, abstinent, productive day!