Now that I have your attention
How come we get such a kick out of making fun of newbie posts on the MB, or at least, tsk-tsking at them?
I'd like to pretend I'm above that of course but ahem this is sooo clearly not the case.
Do we do this because we're so relieved we got through that period in one (re-routed) piece?
Is it because we still like to watch a good car crash (or better yet, catfight!!!) now and then, no matter how civilized we think we are?
Is it because we are gettin' old and cranky and like to commiserate about how young people don't appreciate our wisdom and experience (dang -- we can't impress each other much with it, so who is left?)
*I* can't figure it out. All I know is, I don't feel like I've had a good MB "fix" unless there's at least one "willyalookitTHAT?!" thread, and the only ones we generate around here are completely derivative of the Main Board lately. Have we lost the ability to scandalize ourselves?
I am planning to consume a fun-sized Snickers bar every five minutes until I receive a good answer to this queston.

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/05 3:47 am
on 10/17/05 3:47 am
Suzy, I think it's a bit of all of them
First of all, I already ate a snack sized glow in the dark milky way bar today
Oh no, I better run..that means I will run to my local grocery and sit on the floor rapidly tearing apart all the bags of candy eating them, growling and threatening to bite the limbs off anyone who dares take it from me!
Actually, I feel bad for them. If you consider how hard we had to fight to have surgery back when we did, we knew that we needed to research the hell out of something. You did not see commercials on tv for WLS..we fought loing and hard to have it.
Now, it's everywhere..doctors who didnt do this surgery 5 years ago do it 3 days a week now, for the financial aspect of course. I dont think they are out to actually help people. IF they were, their patients would be educated and know "somewhat" what to expect, and not be so clearly in the dark and clueless.
I know it's frustrating..but we were them once. And I remember how much people made fun of me when I was FAT..does that mean that now i'll look at someone who is fat and snicker behind their back? or think i'm better because I did something about it? nope..i'll always be a considerate person..maybe it's fault of mine

It does make me shudder to think about the popularization of it all, you are so right -- just the other day, while on the treadmill at the gym, a tv commercial came on for the lap band. I 'bout fell right off the 'mill over that one. OMG! OMG! OMG! (with apologies, lol).
I can't help thinking that if you bit off the limbs of those who'd try to stop you in the candy aisle, you'd at least be getting your protein in.
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/05 5:19 am
on 10/17/05 5:19 am
Makes me shudder too!
Think about this, when us older postops learned about this "miracle surgery" it was after Carnie had had hers done..up until then I didnt know much about it..when I found out..there wasnt much info with that..we were forced to reasearch and read and take notes until our heads exploded. We couldnt get enough..and when we went in for our consults, you better believe we knew what the hell we were talking about
Now, it's everywhere..on tv, in magazines, billboards, you name for most people now, why research? It's a no brainer, they're MO..they see a sign, ad or hear about surgery and voila! magic fix..why learn?..Doctors do not hold up their end, they dont educate anymore..they leave it up to people like us to do it for them..
The surgeons know full well that this board exists, they figure well if someone has a question, they'll go ask on OH..i'm sure there will be an answer there..and you bet..there isnt just one answer..there 8 trillion answers..and each comes with a different surgeons opinion,protocol and attitude lol
Maybe..if we didnt always pick up the slack, and force these preops and newbies to badger their surgeons for answers..they would actually listen,.
I mean why listen to us? we've only been there, done that and lived it..whereas the almighty surgeons who only cut us and send us on our way know everything..follow me? it's like the mom who cant get the kids to listen..but as soon as dad comes home..they do what they're told lol
I refuse to give advice to an extent..i'd much rather them actually ask their surgeons..because what works for me and what was allowed for me..might not be the best for them..and I dont get offended if they get pissy..I have 3 kids..i'm used to it

For a serious answer...I hate to see others go through what I have when it *could* be avoided by listening to 'your elders'. I've made mistakes that I don't want to see others make...ones that could have been avoided and that I wish to the powers that be that I had not made.
For *my* no-brainer answer...
Train wreck...can't stand to watch; but, can't look away either.
Psst...pass the d@mn Snickers diet's shot to Hell today already!

Actually I hate Snickers. They'd be completely safe with me. I prefer my chocolate straight up, thanks.
Whaddya mean yer diet's shot to hell? Calories consumed after despair sets in don't count?? Since when?? Put the *****'s down!
Yeah, I hate to see people go through all this just to fail, too. I feel like most of the "yelling" I do at pre-ops is really directed at me and my own continued (and very justified, lately) fear of failure. When I see them . . . I still see me, exactly, regardless of my current (and subject-to-change) size.

Awww...heck, what have I had today? 1/2 slice of pumpkin pie and 3 oz. of pepper-jack cheese...I guess that isn't so bad. I'm just kicking myself for even bringing the pie into the house...
Of course, I have tacos on the menu for tonight (taco salad with no shell for me, IF I get/stay strong, that is
Oh well, off to drink my protein drink (gotta do that is less than 30 minutes, since this month does end in an 'R').