Hello, my name is Dx.......

You really CAN'T support everyone (some just do not want it; or, will not accept it)...but, I will not say "Shame on you!" for trying...
Some need a pat on the back or a hug...some need a kick in the azz...
...it's a judgement call sometimes. I usually look up their posting history (if I am not familiar with them) and, if they are always negative, I do not bother replying...if it seems genuine, I reply as best I can. I don't really know what else to do.
Am I perfect post-op?...Nope, never have been (well...maybe at first...
). I am going through food and other demons right now (first major Holidays since my Mom died) and some days it's a struggle just to breathe, let alone encourage anyone...on those days, I try to stay away from the boards (or lurk).
Too many pre-ops, new post-ops and even grads (me included
) need to hear the truth (e.g. Wake up and take charge of your own life...nobody can make decisions for you or make the consequences on those decisions any easier to bear.), not candy-coated BS...JMHO.
(3 weeks, 5 days to go!

Do my eyes deceive me? Did Dx bless us with a thrice-said OMG with bracketing blinky emoticons?
Major style points coming your way.
Some people enter into this WLS life with one thought in mind: I'm going to be skinny. Now by skinny, they somehow think that their teeth will be whiter, the colors brighter, everyone will send them invitations to the better parties, and they will become an "uber Willie Lohman" and be doubly well-liked. Telling them "it ain't necessarily so" is not going to be well received.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay

Recently I have noticed a new tone to the general message board... and it's kinda scary..... people snacking on candy bars three months out, people wanting to lie to their surgeons about smoking pre-op.... your comment falls right in line with these....
I always respond to these youngsters (now I sound llike my Mom) with a positive spin but let them know how serious morbid obesity is.... WLS isn't a modern trick... it's serious stuff and deserving of all one's might....
It saved my life and gave me a new chance at living, I mean really living... And I sure wouldn't place my personal expectations on others.... but I do let them know about my perspective...
It's hard work that keeps getting harder so far... but I ain't complaining for sure... (She says as she ties her running shoes, heading out for a 4 mile run before her healthy dinner...)
Keep the faith Dex... They need your posts!!!
Laurie - minus 166 lbs!!