It's happened!!!!!
I can scarcely believe my eyes. There are no urgent posts visible right now. It will certainly not last long. Someone will feel the need to post a recipe and mark it urgent. Email all your buddies and tell them to come and see it while it lasts. Like Blue Light Specials and the hot items on the Home Shopping Channel, this is definitely a limited time offer.
So for you lucky few who get to see it, bask in the absence of faux urgency!!!
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
(I was so excited about this, I almost marked it urgent! But that would be rather ironic, eh?)
It's a first.
Back when I started coming to AMOS,
I thought the colors just alternated-
Grey/Blue/Yellow as just a matter of course
To make it easy to follow the line across the page.
It was a while before I noticed that there were sometimes
Yellow/Yellow/Grey/Yellow sequences.
That's when I had the DUH! Moment.
Then later I realized-
"HEY! What's so urgent about That!?!?"
This is a first,
It looks like they've changed the graphics.
Also a distinct lack of "Hotheads"
For the last few days!
I'll have to change that!
Best Wishes-

Naturally curious I clicked on over to the big board only to find a strobing blinking nightmare! Top of the page urgent post is of course about ****
So close but yet so far.
Cold, dreary and feeling like Halloween (and fun size candy bars which would not be a good choice in the early days post op)...
stay warm and healthy...from Northeast Ohio.
I don't know what irritates me more--the definitely NON-urgent "urgent" posts or the total lack of "topic" in the subject line! Guess it sometimes is just me--what kind of mood I'm in. And oh yes, the posts from very early post-ops asking "permission" to eat foods no one has any business eating at that point--that bugs me too! And while I'm *****in'--this relates to Dx E's post today--new post-ops who have doomsday messages about wls because of some complication they have--like they had no idea there were risks! WELL, that's my sunny contribution for now--lol!
-140 lbs.