hello my name is JoAnn
bourngorno bellas and bellos..
my name is joann and i am a emotional eater! ..thats it case closed i realize who and what i am!..stress is a ***** as we all know and i am a stress eater..ive been stressed out to the max this past week and ive grazed bad things..funny try eating 3 ounces of steak or a pece of chicken you cant get it in you give me a bag of potato chips and those suckers go right down!
now i can either **** or gget off the pot after this week revert to bad eating again or go on and be healthy and eat the right things..
stop using stress ..the weather as a exuce..so yesterday i went food shopping and stocked up on kellogs cereal bars only 90 calories not bad for a sweeet fix..diet hot ****oa..plenty of decaf tea and im on a road basck to sanity..
it is ok i was on a bender for a week almost..i ate garbage not anything really good for me with the exception of some form of protien..
i swear to god it was like being on a binger except it was junk food..and my stomach and bowels are paying for it
on a good note i can not eat any cereal at all..i used to kill cereeal before but i get shaky on it the only cereal i can eat is oatmeal so thats a good thing..and not those sugary cereals im talking borning rice krispies..
waffles and pancalkes area no go..shaky shaky so thats good..
ive learned my stomach can tolerate eggs now and thats a good thing..
i never could eat eggs before surgery so i can now enjoy omeletes again..wahoo..bring on the vegggys lol..
who ever said that this is eay is full of it ! after 3 years the old habits can come back so fast its scary..the only thing that i didnt do is try diet soda i can stand soda since the surgery it gets stuck and i hate that feeling ..so ive always said this we get surgery on our stomachs and plumbing but not our heads..
so my name is joann im a food aholic and i am going to take one day at a time!
well the sun is finally out i am going to open my blinds up and let it shine..
i almost forgot what the gorgus yellow thing was..
have a great day and eember lifes a ride enjoy it

Thanks Joanne for your honesty. Yepp them shaking, dumping attacks suck but hey the tool is still working. I had a bout of that on Friday morning from eating too much zuchinni bread. It was even made with half splenda but I still had a really low blood sugar that messed me up for half the day. Keep up the good fight.... Lucy
I've felt the same way this week. The weather was a part of it (by Wednesday I wanted to weep), one of my classes (I'm a HS teacher) had two students from my class arrested IN MY CLASS (actually outside the door) for having a controlled substance, the Red Sox thing (takes me a while to recover
) and visiting my in-laws
. Yuck! What a week! I fell off the wagon, crawled back on, fell off again, and so on all week. But today is a new day and we do have to do it one day at a time. Thanks for being so honest and sharing. Sometimes, when it feels like I'm the only one who finds it difficult to control myself, it does my heart good to know that I'm not alone. Have a great day sitting back on the wagon!!!!!

Ya know, JoAnn...I am quite sure we all here could start our own 12 step group. There are so many things that make us do the things we do and sometimes it is so painful to admit them. However...admitting our weaknesses and "faults" is truly the first step to making ourselves better in our own eyes. Your honesty and feistiness (I don't even know if that is really a word, but oh well) make me believe you will overcome this just like you have been so successful with your journey so far. Thank you for the honesty and for validating some of the very same feelings I have been having lately.
Have a super weekend and ROCK ON
!!!!!!...Cap'n K-Man

Thank you for your honesty, no one is perfect no matter how much we want to be. and honestly the strain from trying to be perfect van break you too. You are doing the right things to get up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.
I am an emotional eater too. WHY why why does food calm anxiety??????
I have been having anxiety attacks lately, not everyday but in with a difficult situation I am dealing with, when I think about it or talk about it sometimes I start shaking, my heart is racing and I feel nauseous. and it is not food related it is in dealing with a certain person/ situation with this person. I was talking to my DH about it he is so supportive words cannot describe, but his solution just won't work , I know he is right, I know what to do, but just can't make myself do it.
So, carbs are calming whether it be fruit, sf icecream, granola bars, cereal, etc .
Keeping my weight stable only through overexercising, which is starting to hurt my body, cause physical pain / injury, and my therapist says is a form of bulemia to eat too much and overexercise. ( I do not vomit - not ever)
I am right there with you.
I had a relapse recently too. This last week has been really sucky eating and I'm paying for it on the scale.
Plus, I did something I hadn't done in a long long time- SNEAK FOOD. That's right, when no one was looking I went into the fridge and ate 2 pieces of bacon right at the fridge door. Well, you say, it's only 2 pieces- true! But I snuck food and I had evil in my mind. I'm feeling the gremlins coming to take me back!!
But good luck to you. Know that you are NOT alone in your struggle.
Joann--Biggest wls mistake I ever made was trying the potato chips which then taught me that I wasn't gonna fall over dead if I ate them. My son is visiting this week-end and when he was putting in his request for foods to have he asked for chips and dip. I had to explain that Cape Cod chips were not allowed in the house. He laughed at me when I explained that if they are in the house, I literally wake up in the morning and think about them.
BTW--I get the shakes from all the things you mention-one of my biggest disappointments was a bowl of cream of wheat, relatively early post-op I craved something solid, caused the shakes. Charlie taught me that mixing vanilla yogurt (instead of milk) with the cereal does not make me sick.
Have a great day. Go Pats!
Have never seen it written better than right here and right now! Thanks Joann for summing up what eating is in my life! STRESS=EMOTIONAL EATING.... I never realized this until after my surgery. I guess that's the first step in dealing with it! Too bad they can't reprogram my brain while they did the operation, but I'm afraid its never that easy is it! lol