In Hospital w/abdominal pain
Hi All,
I am in the hospital after a week w/pain in lower left abdomen my Dr. admitted me yesterday. Dr. thinks kidney stone as he sees some in the cat scan. May be an internal hernia also. Doesn't want to do surgery yet. Waiting for some other tests to come back. I have blood in urine, I can't see the blood but I guess it shows on tests. I didn't know women could get kidney stones. Morphine helps w/the pain. I have had nothing to eat or drink since 11 am Thursday. They are waiting to see if they need to rush me in for surgery so they don't want me consuming anything.
Take care all....
I am sorry to say that women frequently get kidney stones, I have had more than I can count, lost track after 20 (yes twenty) or so, 2 lithotripsies, cystoscopies to remove stone, stents in my ureters twice etc. Blood can show up that is only visible with a microscope or on a urineanalysis. it sucks to say the least.
risk factors include inadequate fluid intake, excessive protein intake, family history, and there are some other metabolic typpe things i have been test for and came out negative. there are seveal different types of stones, calcium oxylate, uric acid or mixed. Treatment varies depending on the type of stone.
this is the best kidney stone site I have come across
this from the NIH
good luck the pain is wretched, I always thought it was worse than childbirth & all you get is a tiny little stone and no cute baby at the end!
stones smaller than a grain of sand have put me in the hospital in pain and one the size of a grain of rice is excruciating.