Somehow your response is on this board about 4 times! Wow! Strange!!
Anyway, you know how as a parent, you try to teach your children well, so that they will hopefully not make the same mistakes as you might have and so they will make better choices for their lives??? Well, this is JUST like that!!
I'm already seeing that I could have done better with my honeymoon period that would have helped me 2, 3, 4+ years out! At one year out, I'm already starting to fight the urge to graze! So when someone posts that they are starting to eat candy at 3 weeks out, it's very definitely more than just a bad choice; it's a major red flag!
Thanks for your post and I do wish you well on your journey!!

Ah, the power of cut-and-paste. I suspect that Fran wanted to ensure that her response was seen by the persons to whom she responded. In time she will figure out that "nothing gets by anyone around here". I learned years ago that a key way to disseminate information was to ensure that biggest gossip was aware of a situatiion. More often than not, they already knew!
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay