Maybe there is hope
lost cause areguing over those friggen cards..rather save the popcorn and chair for better things
im done wityh the restraunt card stuff..
let em have aball with them use them abuse them get refused ***** about it..ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
oh btw
good luck to your cardinals hope they take it this year!
hate clemens ..the traitor
still a traitor in bostons fans eyes

Thanks for the Cardinal props. They have the Stro's down by 5 right in the top of the 7th. Regarding Clemons, keep this in mind. He did stick it to the Yankees. The gave him a new Hummer when he 'retired'. He move home to TX and signed with Houston. Boy was George Steinbrenner po'd over that.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
Too funny Jay--I was over there a couple days ago and noticed a rather civil discussion regarding the restaraunt cards. I think there has been such a huge turnover on that board that there are only two kinds of people left--newbies--who just want information about stuff and grads who have unbelievable patience. I did notice Tooter posting about a "hard on" though.