I'm 2-1/2 years out, and I eat pretty much anything w/o difficulty, except I still can't eat as much as I did pre-op (Thank God!) But I don't dump. I lost 115 pounds, down to goal weight after 1 year, maintained the loss in the 2nd year, but have recently regained about 13-15 lbs. At 2 years out I found I had much more appetite and cravings, and it became harder to maintain such a low weight when I was able to eat more food. I would love to lose the extra weight, but the fact is I may actually be at a healthier weight where I am, so we'll just have to see. Like someone said before me, you are responsible for the choices of what goes into your mouth. Remember, it's only a tool...
Chapel Hill, NC
Lap RNY 5/7/03
O,I am so with you!!!!!!
It is like never had WLS. I AM DESPERATE!!! After 3 years I have the appetite and cravings like there is no tomorrow, and it became harder to maintain my weight when I was able to eat like before the WLS food. I would love to lose the extra weight.(lost 90 ps within 11 mts,and gained back 25 within the past 5 mts.)
I know is my fault,but I cant stop! I wish i was forever in the HONEYMOON phase!
I had my surgery about a year before you did and yes, I get hungry now. But I always know I had the surgery - I can eat a LOT more than I could at a year out but I can't eat anwhere near as much as I could pre-surgery. And, if I eat enough sugar (which I rarely do), I still dump. There are very few foods I can't eat - pasta is one of them. But I am usually satisfied after a reasonable meal.
Unfortunately, the urge to eat when I'm not hungry is back. I have to constantly remind myself that food shouldn't be a reward, a tranquilizer, or anything else but nutrition for the maintenance of life and good health. And speaking of good health, I can definitely tell I had the surgery - I am soooooooooooooo much healthier than before.
So, while hunger is back and so is the temptation to graze away my troubles, yes, I still have limitations - those limitations didn't keep me from gaining some weight back, but they are making it possible for me to lose it.