PS Update - Revision Scheduled
Hi guys -- long time no post. I have had so many questions about my plastic surgeries, cost, results, etc., I thought I would update generally to see if it helped anyone else out. This is also posted in the Plastic Surgery Board too.
Just to update, I had a lower body lift (or belt liptectomy) in late January which took care of my tummy, outer thighs and butt. This by far was the best surgery (and the most painful) of all the plastics I had done. It took off about 8 1/2 pounds of fat, cut off my former caesaran, hysterectomy and LAP RNY scars, gave me a new belly button and made a dramatic change in my appearance. PS also lipsuctioned my knees and thighs (at no additional cost!) in preperation for future surgery. Insurance paid for most of this one -- I only laid out about $1,500. Out of work six weeks.
Next, I had my eyes "done" in February --- really just removed some of the excess skin from the lids and sucked some fat out from the bottom eyelids to reduce dark circle owl look. This was the only surgery I did with a different PS and definately overpaid ($4,500). Although happy with the results and would have used him again, he was priced high.
In early May, I had a brachioplasty (arms) and a breast lift and augmentation done with the scars from just above my elbows, up the arms, and underarms and a bit down the side around 3-4 inches. PS took so much skin off under my arms that I no longer perspire or need to shave under my arms (just a one inch spot in lower area). A side benefit I hadn't expected. Girls were plumped back up with saline to a full C/small D size (400cc) and look great - very natural. Doesn't feel funny at all -- of course, again that was after all the swelling went down. At first, I thought "what the hell" maybe I went too big, but once things settled, they were perfect! Total cost $8,100. Out of work one week. This surgery recuperation was a walk in the park compared to the LBL.
Then in early June, I had a medial inner thigh lift and mini face/neck lift. Scars go from inside knee area up the inside thigh and aobut 3-4" front and back of the groin area. Total cost $8,500. Out of work two weeks. While not easy, the recuperation was not nearly as bad as I had expected from other people's experiences. Perhaps I just handle discomfort well?
Although my thighs are 100% better than they were before, they are still a bit saggy and thicker than I would like them to be. My PS has agreed to do a revision in November - wants to manage my expectations though. They will be thinner, but around the knee there will still be minor sagging unless I want scars that go around the top of the knee (I don't), so I guess mini-skirts and "Daisy Duke shorts" will never be in my future. He has agreed to do this for only the costs of the anesthesia and OR staff fees. Cost $3,000. I am only going to be taking one week off from work after this one.
Now -- one other thing -- I'm not rich, but decided rather than buying a new car this year and financing that, I would invest and finance me instead -- after all, I'm worth more than a car! So old car has to live on life support for a couple more years! So be it....
After this - I'm done!!!!!! I feel like Raggedy Ann with all my seams, but glad to be rid of the skin.
Lap RNY 6/16/03 -- 336/156 "Still a work in progress."
Hi Nan, Glad to see you are doing well. It sounds like you got a pretty good deal to me. Surprized though that the "revision" is gonna be so much though.
I'm doing great. 15 days post-op tummy tuck.
You asked about the Virginia thing in an email and I forgot to answer you. I would like to try and go, but it depends on what is happening. Gonna have to look at my schedule and I have some other issues I am juggling. I will definitely let you know--I would really like to go.
I have come to the conclusion that for most of us, especially those of us who aren't spring chickens, there is no way to totally erase the damage we did to our bodies all those years. Just my thoughts on "managing expectations". Take care
Thanks Lynda -- glad to hear you are doing great. I'm not surprised - you did your research and knew what to expect.
As for Virginia -- I made my hotel res and just have to book the flights now. Keep me posted - I hope you can come - it would be great to see you again!
As for the revision price, I think it is mostly fair -- it's not like he did anything wrong with my inner thighs -- they are 110% better than they were - I just want more taken off, particularly just above the knees, which wasn't possible the first time around since he was already taking off over 1.5 pounds off each thigh.
Yes, managing expectations can be tough -- I also think after having such dramatic results after the LBL, I got a bit greedy about what to expect from other procedures. In any case, I'm satisfied.
Keep in touch.
You are a glutton for punishment. Like you I need all those things done but right now I'm concentrating on my first procedure. On Oct 21st I'm having the abdominoplasty and upper torso lift. Not sure what the next procedure will be but I desperately need the arms done and would like to have the face, breast and thighs done.
I'm waiting to see how my clothes fit after this one before deciding where to go next.
I wish I were like you and had it all behind me. I'm thinking a second job might be in order to pay for all these surgeries.
Size 16 now, expect to be 12/14 after plastic surgery
Hey Pat -- I don't think I'm a glutton for punishment -- just into "instant gratification." LOL Seriously, when I thought about all the procedures I needed ahead of time, it was daunting and scary -- I then decided that rather than space them out over several years and try saving up for them, I would get as much done in a six month period that I could and finance it. In this way, I could get it out of the way, and get on with my life!
As for size -- I was a size 8-10 before surgery, and am still a size 8-10. In fact, after the breast augmentation, I often need to go up a size in tops depending on how they are cut. Even if I lost the extra 15 pounds I would like, I doubt very much if my size would change. My hip bones are right there. I am very happy with the size I am -- smallest I can ever remember being as a teenager was a size 12-14!
Good luck!
Wow, your surgery experiences were interesting to read about. I wish my legs were not quite so flabby and shaky, but I hardly ever wear shorts except at home and I wasn't planning to be a model, so my clothes cover the multitude of sins ~ plus a nice pair of Spanx helps, too!! I guess I'll be sticking with my too-big skin as a reminder of where I came from!
I am very impressed with your bravery!! I am quite the baby when it comes to pain!
240/126/115 (at goal size)