What is your goal today?
My goals today is to of course get all my water in since I have so much trouble with that!And to get to all my appointment's on time today cause I have appointments from 11:00 to 2:30 so I hope I make them all!Then to come home clean house,work on my puzzle some for relaxtion and to get my bag packed for this weekend to Chicago to meet you all I am so excited!!!

Hiya Candi!
Hope all goes well at your appointments today. Ahhhhhhhh relaxation! Enjoy it! I bet your excited about your trip. You have a blast girl!
My golas for today is to continue all my wls stuff and stay on track.
Get to some of my emails and get on here for continued support.
Have a great day!

I did my first goal early today, attended a 1 hour power stretch class and a 1 hour yoga class.
Now to get ready for the cleaning lady to come in. She just cannot put away my clutter since even I have a hard time knowing wwhat to do with it. and I need to pay bills. (yech)
I have laundry in the basement needing finished and put away.
And my DH totally demolished my basement putting in a new tv (big screen HDTV) and installing and rewiring a new sattelite dish. We had a power surge that took out all the equip in the basement, tv, dvd, vcr, etc, including frying the wiring to the sattleite dish. so since he is incapable of cleaning up after himself I will need to get it straightened out. (MEN!!!) I know, I spoiled him. & he only gets away with it cause I love him and he is cute too.