Marriage issues after WLS
we met at the age of 13 & 15 and married when I was 17 & he was 19. 27 years now.
I just turned 45! and can hardly believe it. As I said on my birthday, someone must have messed up on the math somewhere, I demand a recount!
You are great at MUSHY stuff.
The weight issues are like having a giant pink rabbit in the room that no one talks about. we just tiptoe around it.
I like how you suggest to approach it.
Now we need some time with out kids and/or grandkids around.
Maybe I'll invite him to come home from work for lunch tomorrow.
I can relate totally with your post in some sense. I am now involved with a man who needs to lose weight as well and is trying very hard. I had the surgery 2 years ago and now have boundless energy .
I have never been involved with anyone who was overweight until now . I was married for years to a man who was a 10 mile a day jogger. We divorced and I have dated several people since but never anyone with a weight problem as I used to have. Fortunatley he is able to ride bikes , go to the fitness center etc with me . If he could not , I am not sure that I would date him but then he isnt someone yet that I have much history with . Relationships are about doing things together and things of interest in common I feel so therefore I wouldnt continue in the relationship if we had nothing in common in those areas . If we had history though , it would be different I think .
The man I dated prior to this one after my divorce had NO INTEREST in fitness or anything where you walked etc .... We no longer date as I didnt want a relationship where I did everything alone .
Maybe he will lose weight ,but in the mean time you have to feel as you do . I hope that you think of it carefully as I know you will and know that love runs deep whether we are thin in the skin or not . I know as a person who has been there, that you know this.
Will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers .
Shirl .
Have you tried talking to your husband's doctor about his weight problem?? As a nurse in a doctor's office, over the years we have had many spouses either call or write to us and ask for the doctor's help with their loved ones about various health issues and my doc has always kept it confidential and brought up the health issue in a round-about way while talking to the patient.
Hope this helps.