+ + + Tuesday Vows + + +
on 9/26/05 9:33 pm
on 9/26/05 9:33 pm
I made it back to the gym yesterday since I didn't have to hurry home to get stuff ready for the bridal shower! YAY me! I did well with my eating and stayed under my 1200 calories for the day and drank 95 oz. of water (didn't quite make the 100 ounces). I found a picture this past week --- you know those 'WORSE pictures ever' that get hidden in the bottom of the picture box? Well, take a peek if you dare of me at my absolute worst and then this past Saturday at the shower. I still have 75ish pounds to lose but I'm making progress. I do hate having to go through the "straw hair" stage again though --- I can't do a thing with it and there are 1/2" - 3/4" sprouts popping out all over my head. I feel like a human chia pet!!
Today I vow to:
? Eat fewer than 1200 calories and get that mostly from protein sources.
? Drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water.
? Exercise at the gym after work.
? Not eat after 7:30 PM.
? Weed through more of my clothes for fall.
? Stay OFF the scales until Saturday morning! (Gosh this one is hard to do!)
How did y'all do yesterday? What are you vowing to do today to keep you on the track you want to be on? Have a Terrific Tuesday folks! (Did I really just show y'all my worse ever picture?!?!!? YIKES!!

Good Morning!
I'm working on getting on here a little earlier than I have been. So here I am.
First let me say DD you are looking great girl! We all have those dreaded pics. I have a pic that I haven't scanned yet that I carry in my photo albumn. It's the WORST one I have of me too! In the past, I would have torn it up in a million pieces and thrown it away, so that no ones eyes would ever lay hold of it. Now I show it proudly to see where I've come from and to make sure I NEVER go back to that misery.
I believe now that you had your revision done, there is no doubt that you will make it to your goal and maintain it. You are determined and have great motivation. As the saying goes, 'Nothing tastes as good as thin feels'....
Now that you have increased your protein, your hair is going to do great. This stage will be over before you know it. Hey, if it helps, get a wig. I have a few that I wear when I'm having just a plain ol' bad hair day. I got them before wls. Just a suggestion. Anyway, keep up the good work!
Yesterday I fared okay. I only got in 73grms.of protein. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just that I wanted to get a bit more in. My day yesterday was very busy and my meal planning wasn't the best. I didn't get into any bad carbs and I'm thankful for that. I didn't overeat either! Wooohoooo! I am determined. Today I already wrote out what I'm eating today, so I am sure to get in all the protein. My water was okay. I got in 70oz. I stopped drinking w/my meals again. Even though my GI doc told me too. I don't have a good feeling about following his directions. Instead of waiting an hour like I did before to take water in after eating, I'm waiting a half hour. This is working better for me.
I did 50mins. on the treadmill yesterday too! This morning I did 40mins..
I'm so glad that I'm back on track w/my exercise. I'm taking it a day at a time and for today I expect another abstinent day.
Today I plan on:
1.Taking in at least 80grms. of protein.
2. Drinking at least 80oz. of H2o.
3. Doing at least 30mins. on the treadmill. (did 40mins.)
4. Dropping hubby off at airport.
5. Making sure I'm on here for support.
6. No eating past 7:30.
7. Getting back to replying to my emails.
Have a successful, abstinent day everyone!
Your Gastric Buddy,

BACK away from the Oreos....LOL... Oh I'm so glad you didn't give into them. You and I both know that it would have been the start of another battle w/the carbs. You worked too hard the past 2 weeks to detox and your reward was an 11 lb. weight loss. You don't want to have to start all over again.
Those carbs will be calling your name all day and night. It's not worth it DeeDee. I know it stinks to not be like those who can handle an occasional sweet from time to time and not get out of control like we do. The fact of the matter is we do get out of control. We have proven that to ourselves over and over, time after time. What makes us think maybe this time we can. I know I had to come to terms that I will NEVER be able to have sugary types of foods again and I am alright with that. I wish you much strength on this one DeeDee.
I'm here to help ya in anyway that I can. Just give me out a shout, okay!
Hang in there!
PS There's a saying that goes: The urge for (you name it) will go away wherther I eat it or not. I choose not to!