The Cap'n is back...
Good afternoon all my fellow Grad Peeps!!
Sorry it has been so long since I have been online. We moved a month ago as many of you know and we are now on dial up again. It is slow, but it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Honestly though...I haven't had much time to be online anyways so it just hasn't mattered much anyways. The move went well...long, but well. We had 2 weeks to get out of our old house and it really did take us almost all that time to complete it. We had a lot of help the first day and then I did most of the little stuff myself for a few days after. I moved a crap load of wood from old house to new and got a ton of exercise in the process. Felt SUPER but really wore me out. I was a little worried about the hernia thing from time to time, but it seems to have worked out just fine. I was hoping to lose some weight during the move, but I have been eating like a pig and know I have put on a couple of pounds. Maybe it's lean muscle with all the work I have been doing. Hey...I can dream...can't I??
There is so much here for us and more privacy than we ever imagined. It is so quiet here at night and I can have all the campfires I want. I can even burn brush and leaves here too. Since I am a pyro at is perfect for me. T-Bone loves the fact that he can go out after school and shoot his BB gun any time. Malissa keeps saying "there's nothing to do here", but what more did I expect from a girl her age. Janella loves it here too. The house is so big and we can all get the privacy and serenity we want from each other and the "house noises" whenever we want.
Anywho...this place is even better than we imagined and we are still trying to believe we deserve it. Somedays it is hard to feel good that we are here since it is so nice and if that isn't screwed up tell me what is!!
We got the hot tub filled up yesterday and put the chemicals in it and all. I went out there a little while ago and pushed a couple of buttons. Now I can't get it to shut off....Oops!! I'm sure Janella will get it figured out. I can't wait to use that thing in the coming days, weeks and know!!
I don't have e-mail yet and I am working tonight and tomorrow, so if I don't reply to any of you...don't be offended. I will be trying to get the sleep I need so I can function at work and get my but safely home. My drive is twice it was before and that makes my "sleep-driving" habits a bit unnerving for me. I will do my best to be safe.
Take care all and when I get the e-mail set up, I will let you know.
Have a super night all...Cap'n K-Man

Bea J.
on 9/26/05 5:22 am - Brownsboro, AL
on 9/26/05 5:22 am - Brownsboro, AL
Glad to see you back on the up and up kiddo, take care of yourself and yes, we will be talking to you soon!!!
Will be taking pics tonight of my brood and new little girl, Cindy.
Best to you,
on 9/26/05 5:40 am
on 9/26/05 5:40 am
Hi Ken!
Glad to hear your move went well and you're enjoying your own little piece of paradise. We bought a six-person hot tub ( that is portable. We were going to put it out at our weekend home and roll it back in the house when we leave each trip. Great idea, right? Well, they came to our Mississippi home to set it up and show us how it works so we had them put it in our bedroom. It rolled just like they claimed and is a wonderful little hot tub --- only problem with it is that it takes 48 hours for the water to heat up the first time!!
Needless to say that makes it pretty non-functional for a weekend home so it's still in the bedroom. We love it though! Hope y'all enjoy yours.
Your place sounds like heaven and I hope Malissa finds something to keep her entertained in paradise.

Woo hoo! K-man! Great to see you back online. Great to hear you guys love your new home. Fires everynight! Cool--we lived in a place once where we had a "burning barrell". Dennis burned trash every Saturday. such a manly thing. LOL.
Hope you guys enjoy your hot tub. I have found Yahoo mail works really well--and my daughter likes g-mail. The good thing about both of them is you can use them no matter what your connection--and free.
Again, glad to see you again and look forward to hearing future updates. Dial up is the pits!