PS update
Well--It has been 11 days since my tummy tuck and arm lipo. Yesterday, I got my drains out--how exciting! It is much more comfortable now. My doctor said I am progressing really well. He said I am ahead of schedule as far as my healing goes. YAY! Now that the drains are out he said it is really important to not overdo things. That increasing swelling and raises the risk for a seroma. He didn't take any pictures of what he removed and said he didn't weigh it. I do know he took a lot of tummy out. Immediately after surgery I weighed about 5 pounds less than I did the day before. Now I am down over 10 and I still think there is more to go! Of course, I really haven't been eating much so part of the loss is due to that.
Today was very exciting! I got to wear REAL clothes. I actually wore shorts and was able to button them and had extra room. I hadn't been able to do that up til now because of the swelling plus the binder and foam. It was so cool! Feeling great and working hard to follow doc's orders.
My arms are ugly as hell--but that was to be expected as this was just in preperation for an arm lift. Take care and thanks everyone for asking about me.
Can you tell I am psyched!
Wow it's good to hear your story! I have so much tissue yet in my stomach area and am thinking about a TT. Need arms done too but that may have to wait. So glad you are healing well. How long are you taking off from work? I have a pretty physical job and am worrying about that a bit. Hope you continue to mend well! Lucy
Hiya Lynda,
Glad to hear that you are healing nicely. Oh those drains are the pits aren't they? I had four of them and when they removed the last one, I let out a yell that they heard clear out to the waiting room. I mean that thing stungggggggggggggggggggggggggg. Owie, owie, owie. I even cried. I was so embarrased too.
You might even drop a size or two once all the sweeling goes down. I did! I'm so happy for you. Isn't it a great feeling having our clothes be loose on us instead of getting tighter.
When are you scheduled to have your arms done? They will look great once your done healing.
You have every right to be psyched. You waited a long time for this. Your journey is almost done w/the remaining procedures. I know I can't wait for mine to be finished. Patience, patience, patience. Hmmmmm....who came up w/that word anyway? LOL....
Well lady, have a great rest of the day and I'll see ya around.

on 9/25/05 10:58 am
on 9/25/05 10:58 am
I'm so glad you're doing so well. I'm taking notes and hope to be where you are in another year. Darn that "being held back a year" thing I had to go through.
I'm really happy for you and can't wait for all you post plastics people to give me advice when I get there.