What is your goal today?
My goal today again is to work on getting all that darn water in does decaf tea count since it is maily water cause I drink like a gallon and a half of that a day?Also I am going to have a little celebration party for my son and show him how proud I am of him.He asked if I could call around about a job for him amd he is only 13 so that is kind of hard.So I arrange for him to work down at the local food pantry and yes it is only volunteer work but that is ok with him because it will give him some work expeirence.And plus it will look good on his school transcripts and that is good because he needs to keep his grades up so he can go into Track like he wants.And I know he could have great success with that because he is like Forrest Gump he don't stop until you tell him
And also I believe that can get him a scholarship for college.Well have a great day everyone!!!