Thin people treated differently
Honestly, I was a pretty well-adjusted fat woman. I was positive, friendly and upbeat. My eyes were never on the ground although I know exactly what Tek means (wasn't disagreeing was my point - it just wasn't me). I never perceived that I was being treated differently because of my size. Then I had surgery and weigh 100 pounds less. HELLO!!! Who knew that men would hurry to beat me to a door. And I have had literally dozens of men start conversations with me...I never noticed before that I always started conversations. I am the most happily married of women so was never scoping anyone out but these days I feel like I'm beating them off with a stick. While it's mildy flattering, the only man whose opinion I care about is the one at home. There is no doubt in my mind that I am treated differently in stores, restaurants and theatres. No doubt at all. It just makes me sad for all of those other folks. Especially those who "own" those kinds of things and believe that they are not worthwhile. Just my $.02 worth.
Judi C
I used to get embarrassed when someone would open the door for me, and now, I am more flattered...I think that more than people treat us differently, we percieve if differently...
I do get flirted with more, etc...but I expected that...when I was overweight I never KNEW when someone was flirting with me, now I think I think EVERYONE is! haha!
Anyway, it's all about self conffidence, in my opinion. I don't find women being less nice though, that is interesting. I never was one to always notice all that.
I have noticed that people almost run me over now, that my size doesn't make them move out of the way!
I also found a decent, warm...attractive, caring boyfriend and I don't think that my selection would have allowed me to get this close to him being 327 pounds...if that makes any sense. I think now...if I gained a few pounds he'd still love me...but I never blamed someone for not finding 327 lbs. attractive.

My experience. Yep, treated differently by both men and women.
Treated better by men, worse by obese women. Don't hate me because I look good! No difference with the thin women unless they think I'm in a competition for some man they may have their eyes on. In fact, I noticed that I got a lot of encouragement from the thinner women I work with as I was losing weight and as I started running. They were all supportive of my life changes.
I have noticed that too, the thinner women have been quite supportive, *some* Overweight to obese women have been catty, gossipy, judgemental. form she oinly did it to wear miniskirts, (yeah right, wanna see my thighs? How about that Blood pressure, cholesterol and heart attack waiting to happen?) to "it is not fair that she gets to have surgery and get thinner than me " (from someone about 30 # overweight) To "gee, think your getting an eating disorder?" (because well all know if you dont cram full of junk you must be anorexic and no one can live on lean meats - chicken - fruit and vegiies and be healthy - right?) to scrutinizing & critiquing everything going into my mouth. although one friend said she was just facinated by what I at and looking for ideas so she can be healthier
good for her!
peopel I would have thought could not have cared less have been super supportive and some I thought would be great just turn away now.

I totally agree. I have had people tell me my attitude and personality are different. I tell them I should think so since I am not carrying 205lbs. on me. Women seem to be extremely judgemental of me. They are very critical of what I wear, what color my hair is? sh! Even down to my shoes. They never cared before, actually I not sure care is the right word, I think noticed before. Men definitely treat me different. I think alot of that is when you are 326lbs w/DD's then you go to 125lbs w/DD's, they are noticed alittle more. I don't think we are shallow. I talk to anyone of any size. Actually when I am at conferences or otherplaces, I will seek out larger people to sit by and generally have more fun than the rest of the group. We do exude more confidence, how could we not we are winning a battle, we are finding ourselves, we are beautiful inside and out. Just my thoughts Stacey