What is your goal today?
My goals today are to finish getting ready for the day and get the kids off to school.Then come home and get some housework done and Thanks everyone for your suggestions on the kids yesterday I finally got fed up with thier messes and decided to pull out the garbage bags and just started tossing!I need to get all my water in today been having lots of trouble with that but have been getting all my protein in ok!When I get all my housework done I would like to sit down and make a list out of what I need to take to Chicago and then the rest of the day is kind of up in the air until tonight because Friday nights are movie nights for the kids and I,just a little way for us to spend some qaulity time together.Well everyone I hope you have a great day!!!
I bet your kids were shocked
when they saw their things in the garbage! My suggestion is to make sure you follow through. Don't just keep threatening them, but do it. They will rant and rave for awhile to get you to give it back to them, but stick to your decision and they will see you mean business!
I accomplished a few goals already today. Had a few appts. and got my nails done. I need to buy a new cell phone tonight and catch up on tv shows that I recorded this week.
Enjoy your movie watching and time w/kids Candi!