Need a Nurse- Question
Ok be kind... Im a self medicator... yea yea well anyway. I drank some grape juice at school today and had been sipping on Sweet Tea. apparently overdoing the sugar and started dumping. I went to lay down in the nurse station... and she said she has similar problems with her stomach convulsing ..that she takes Nitroglycerine (see link) that her doc said it can help relax the stomach spasms... and that it can't hurt her...soooo I took one to relax the my dumping. I was curled up in a ball and pain in the chest was pretty bad. BTW it was dumping not a heart attach. (This is only my second situation of dumping at school in 2yrs so it doesn't happen to me often)
Took the little pill under my tongue - dang that sucker burned alittle and ...dang if almost instantly pressure lifted and within 3-4minutes I sat up and told her THANK YOU and walked back to class. Never gotten over dumping so fast in my life. So the question is.
errr can Nitroglycerine hurt our tummies. I'll be seeing my doc Monday and promise to fess up and ask him but.. well just curious... surely if I had a heart condition and really needed one to help my heart it woulda been ok..sooo?? what about a WLS tummy ??? any nurses around? It was awesome how fast it relaxed the pain in my dumping spell.
what ya think?
be kind - I bruise easy!

rofl I love u too... im hoping one day to meet you in real time... you are just such a wonderful lady... DID you know ... not offically but your the TOP poster in this website with over 400 posts... WOW what support ..what a wonderful lady you are... and I count myself lucky having you as a support partner... love ya girl... and spank me if I do this again.. k?

You are too funny! Aren't you glad you asked? LOL! See what happens when you are laid up for a week? You get to be "the top poster" ROFL. You can just call me the Tooter of the Grads board. LOL
I have to be on the other side of FL tomorrow at 7:30am. I am really hoping my drains are gonna come out!--and then they tell me that I have to be even more inactive--how that is possible I really don't know.
Stay safe and dry.
Nitro is a first-class vasodilator. It is the first line of defense against anigna. The one time I took one was when I thought I was having chest pain, it reduced my BP into the 90/55 range, gave me the headache of my life and left me laying on the floor of my cubicle, so dizzy that I could not standm up. If I ever have chest pain, it better be much worse than any dumping syndrome can muster before I would ever take one of those suckers again.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
I am an RN and I m horrrified to say the least. No good nurse gives out meds like that (nitro is a very powerful heart drug) with out a doctors order, Rx in hand. What if you had a serious reaction? she could have, and likely would have lost her license. This is called practicing medicine with out a license)
I'll be kind to you and just say never do it again. As to the nurse, she needs to be reported to the department of professional regulation in your state. she was unsafe.