I'm here
but bummed. Discouraged that I did not make it through the day without grazing. I had a few pretzels probably no more than a serving and 1 tiny individually wrapped Dove dark chocolate , 2 minitature tootsie rolls, some lowfat chips and salsa. It's crazy. It's like an outer body experience and I am watching myself do it but i don't stop. I was at work, kinda feeling stressed, kinda bored -- seemed like the only thing that would help. It's ridiculous. I am done now though- gotta start fresh. I am home on a supper break and I am gonna have another protein shake. That makes #3 out of five. Don't know if I will get two more in or not. Thinking about substituting salted in the shell sunflower seeds (2/3 c) which has I think has 6 g protein and 4 WW points. They keep my hands and my mouth busy. So far have about 54 oz of water in. I am not as motivated as I thought I would be. This is really hard work! I'm gonna hang in there though and start fresh whenever I need to.
Glad you plan to hang in there. Wouldn't want you to the land of elves that bake cookies in a tree!
OK girl...try these two and see how it goes...
When faced with the tempting item can you tell yourself "I will have some, just some but just because I had some that does not mean that more will be better...I will stop at some."
And then ask yourself, "Does this taste as good as success feels?"
Try it. Awareness is half the battle. Mind games are the other half.
You can do this, you are successful and your goals are within reach!
Hugs (and I don't mean the swirled chocolate kisses by the same name).