? ? ? Friday Vows ? ? ?
Good Morning! I am just really struggling. My determination to stick to a plan is strong in the morning but as the day goes on it wanes and by evening I am making poor choices. I did walk 6 miles yesterday and got my water and protein in but did not tally my ww points after I strayed. I am on my 7th day of work and have the weekend off so think it has a lot to do with being tired. Can't wait for tommorrow!
Today I vow to
get 60g protein
drink 64 oz water
At least write my pts down no matter how bad they are.
Hiya Lucy!
For some strange reason the first reply I sent to you did not go through.
So, here I go again. Hope I can remember what I wrote.
Great job on the walking girlfriend! That is awesome!
We all start out w/a good plan but for whatever reason we get caught up in the old patterns of eating. I can sure empathize w/you.
I agree w/DeeDee about getting on here later before you give into eating the wrong foods. I know that in the past when I would be eating wrong foods, I wouldn't ask for help because I would get talked out of eating. I had my mind made up that I was gonna eat no matter what. Call it stinkin thinkin! It's crazy because I really don't want to eat this way. That's why I had the surgery, but like they say it's only a tool. I still have to do the work. Lucy you are not alone and you will overcome this. God says that we are overcomers. We can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength. Lean on Him today and us. You CAN do this and you Will have a successful day Lucy. Talk yourself out of eating instead of giving into it. Please get on here later and let us help one another. We need you just as much as you need us. We all contribute in some way or the other. Be encouraged Lucy!
Your Friend,
on 9/16/05 12:07 am
on 9/16/05 12:07 am
Congratulations to your daughter, Julie! What did she earn her degree in?
I'm kind of going through the same thing you are. I'm planning out my protein choices for the day and thinking I'm going to be starving at some point and it's not happening. I end up not being able to eat 15 oz. of protein in a day.
Keep up the good work!
Hi Julia!
I agree about how we do better when we are accountalbe to others. You did awesome yesterday! I trust you will do well today too.
As for your weekend cookout goes, just keep your focus on what you know is the best choice for you. As the saying goes, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". You can still enjoy a good steak and the company of your family in celebrating your daughters accomplishment.
Have a great time.
Morning Dee Dee Love
Yesterday I think I did very well, in fact I was just about perfect, till 9:30pm that is. DAMN OREOS! But, they are now gone. I have threatened my hub and my mom that if they bring them into the house I will take them out back and dump them in the woods for the animals. I got really odd looks for that comment. But I mean it, Oreos will NOT make me fail this.
But as I said, I did really really great till that point and overall considering how I was 2 days ago, I am proud of myself! Even my older children noticed I eating good.
I already have had 16ounces of liquid that was my hot cocoa and protein, now I am drinking water.
My vow for today!
To do my best!
To get in lots of dense protein.
To drink at least 70 ounces of water though I hope to do more.
To avoid sweets and icky things.
To be a good person and support my wls family.
Have a great day!
on 9/16/05 12:58 am
on 9/16/05 12:58 am
I love Oreos too so I can empathize. At the office we keep tons of "free for the offering" snacks around and one of them is that 100-Calorie pack of Oreos (without the filling). I've been known to justify that if I need some protein so I grab a packet of Cream Cheese from the refrigerator and I HAVE to have something to dip it with and those Oreos are ONLY 100 calories! Of course the problem with that is once I've eaten those carbs I'm doomed the rest of the day.
I'm glad the Oreos are gone and hopefully you won't have to inflict sugar highs on the critters in the woods.
You're doing great and I know we're all going to be so proud of ourselves by staying on this train you suggested! I'm dying to weigh but I've promised myself I won't until the 10 days have passed and that will be next Saturday morning.
Keep up the good work and know I'm hanging in there with ya!!
Just checking in. I already consumed 78 grms. of protein and 64oz.of H2o. I can't believe this. Woooohoooo! I'm on target and loving it! This feels really good. I can't stand when I blow it w/poor food choices and overeating. Motivation, determination and encouragement is all key to being successful.
Hoping everyone is just as bound and determined as I am today to stay on track.
Talk to ya all later! Hang in there and we CAN do this!!!!!