Dense Makes Sense!
on 9/14/05 11:56 am
on 9/14/05 11:56 am
I jumped on the protein train today with the plateau busting plan and prepared four containers with 3 oz. of protein in each (roast beef, shrimp, chicken and turkey jerky). I planned to have another 3 oz. meal when I got home from church tonight which would have made my 5 servings of protein for the day (3 oz. for each serving).
Well... I was only able to eat three of those containers and it is almost 9:00 PM here. I did drink LOTS of water today too! I'm convinced that Dense Makes Sense.
on 9/14/05 1:11 pm
on 9/14/05 1:11 pm
My husband, bless his heart (another Southernism which allows us to say the most slanderous things about folks while sugar-coating it sweeter than a glass of iced tea), has spent years trying to "fix" my grammar!
He has told me a hundred times "DeeDee, chickens LAY, people LIE, if there's not an egg underneath where you were when you got up you were lying and not laying!"

on 9/14/05 1:22 pm
on 9/14/05 1:22 pm
Okay, confession from a true southern gal who absolutely LOVES home grown tomatoes... during the summer I will eat a whole tomato first and wait a few minutes before eating my protein. I can't do it in reverse or I won't have room for the tomato and they are just too darn good to not eat when they're fresh from the garden.
Are you sure you "fix" because your southern roots are showing or are you like me and sometimes the meals you prepare really do need to be fixed?! Hmmmm, not quite right, I think I can "fix" it if I add a little more of this, a tad more of that, and a pinch of something else.

You are so right. For us, eating soft foods that are liquidy is not a good thing - they go right through the pouch and we are hungry sooner. My surgeon is a stickler for veggies and fruit - he thinks all protein is not healthy and he told me that I needed to incorporate a lot of dense meat, raw cauliflower, radishes, cabbage and carrot sticks into my diet as these foods take a long time to leave the pouch and even longer to digest giving a sensation of fullness for a much longer time.
Among the things that he told me not to eat are:
Dairy products including cheese
Bananas, Cantaloupe, Pineapple and Watermelon (all too high in sugar and too soft)
I have done much better with the urge to snack since I've cut the softer foods from my diet. Of course since I'm a carb junkie, I have to leave off crackers and things like that too. Bread and potatos aren't a problem for me but I'd kill for a package of Cheese Nips.
on 9/14/05 12:14 pm
on 9/14/05 12:14 pm
This is my first time to try the plateu busting diet and I hope I only have to use it this one time. I am trying to detox myself after a nine-day vacation where I wasn't in as much control of my food as I normally am and the carb demons have reared their ugly heads.
It's interesting what your doctor told you not to eat as mine looked at my fitday printouts the last time I had a checkup and told me I am eating too much cheese. I have been a cheese-a-holic all my life and even though it may be a good source of protein and calcium it is still dangerous for me because I can eat way too much of it!
I hope I do as well as you by eliminating the "softer" foods too! Thanks for your response and insight which is always valuable to me! =)