A question, if you have a moment....
Most people with a normal stomach dont think about the tube going through their stomach, it has happened people just dont think about it. ANd it is not a real common thing to happen usually happens with a nurse who dont know what they are doing and pushes the tube past the stomach. I know how to measure externally to get an idea on how for to go with the tube however if a person had RNY that method would not work, and the tube would go right through. Anyone could wear one requesting it. My thing is with my plumbing being altered the way it is, I surely dont want the tube puncturing my pouch because "IMO" it could cause problems and complications with the pouch maybe even irreversible ones. And if you remember the time I was in the wreck where I swallowed the gum, the ER docs the nurses or noone had any idea how my insides should look with RNY they didnt know "anything" about the surgery. If I had of been unable to talk my bracelet would of explained that I had an altered system that they could of talked with my surgeon before doing anything.
I guess because I work in the medical profession and I see some of the things that are done to people I am going to be more cautious.
The bladder could never be ruptured by an NG tube but it could get ruptured by a catheter.
I would never advise against one though, because I would not want something to happen to someones pouch. I think alot of people will automatically say oh well so and so dont wear one so its ok if I dont. I know that was kinda the attitude I took.And I dont want to set that example. I think basically we all have to do what is right for each of us but I do want to set a good example for others and it is the right thing for me since my surgeon recommended that I get one on my first visit.
I knew upfront my surgeon recommended one, and I should of gotten one then.He even provided us with the information and address of how and where to get one. I actually did get one I just picked it up at the drugstore I just never took the time to get it engraved so it was pretty worthless.
I dont worry to much about the NSAIDS because most likely if given in an emergency situation it will only be a baby aspirin, and I would have to be pretty much awake and responsive to take it.
I would never advise anyone to go against what their surgeon tells them to do...although I have told people to do their OWN research IF they don't agree with their medical professional. As I'm sure you know, being 'in' the medical professional, they don't all know as much as they should about some things.
One of the reasons I posted on THIS board and not the main is, most people here are far enough out they've made their choices by now and won't be swayed by my, your or someone else's "opinion" on this - so my question won't affect someone's business sales, nor be a strong open encouragement to newbies to not wear one IF the docs tell them to. However, I will never tell a newbie to wear one or that I think they're a smart or good way to spend their money UNLESS their doc tells them to wear one. Then I offer no opinion at all - and pass that thread by, unless I see someone fear mongering about the need of it. Which I hold is still ridiculous unless they are diabetic or have other health concerns.
You are welcome to your opinion, which I know you don't need me to tell you lol, and as a medical professional, I'm sure you are MUCH more educated about this than I - and thankfully, you're here to give your intelligent insight into this topic....
As to the "I would never advise against one though, because I would not want something to happen to someones pouch. I think a lot of people will automatically say oh well so and so dont wear one so its ok if I dont." If people on the internet (or off, for that matter) look at someone and follows their example without their own independent research, then (1) they are just plain foolish and (2) I'm not accepting that responsibility. I will state my opinion on many topics, both on and off the Weight loss topic. I tell people WHY I had WLS and what my experience with it is. If they decide to have surgery without further investigation and figure - woohoo Tooter had someone rearrange her guts and lost tons of weight, now I will too - well geez, come on lol. I can't accept the responsibility of their decision to have WLS based on what I say about my experience or my opinion on the subject, same as I'm sure you won't accept responsibility if someone has reconstructive surgery based on YOUR experience and comments, and it goes badly for them. True?
I'm sure if I were more awake I'd have more to say, but that should do it for my addled brain this morning
Hope you have a great day - and hope you're feeling well and that your wing isn't too bothersome to you.
Hugs, Toots

Ahh see first of all my post(the original one) had nothing to do with anyones business sales although it got turned into that type of post. I get lots and lots of email from people asking me where do you get that vanilla very berry drink?? So from time to time I do just post it on there where I get it so people will know because if I would of told them to begin with it would of saved them the time of having to send me an email then wait until I get a chance to answer it. And yup you better believe I will pass on a sale to let people know about and I did think it was cute how she wrote GOOD GOLLY MISS DOLLY on the sale page considering that is all I talk about and about all I drink. SO consider it a moment for me that I thought was cute. And susan Maria does not sell the bracelets but yes I did see the add on her site and that is when I chose to buy one. The bracelets on her site are free because she is having drawings to GIVE them away. I thought people might be interested in that. As for fear mongering all I did was state what had been on my mind as to why I ordered mine. I think everyone who has read my profile for every June 25 entry knows the thoughts and fears I had from the wreck I was in, and yes the thoughts of being unconscious crosses my mind many times and having no one to speak for me. In this hick town the docs probably would think my intestional reroutage was due to the accident
not gonna risk it.
So in other words I was trying to help people by passing on information. No different than when I pass on information such as Drugstore.com having stallone pudding for $1.99 a pack and I buy about 20 packs, although I have never had one bad work ever spoken or written to me I should say for posting for anyone other than bariatriceating.com
Ya know Tooter I get hate mail from this site from people who write me and tell me I should not be allowed to post on this board because I "work" for Susan Maria, and some even write me to tell me that they think I am not who I say I am and probably never even had surgery. I am not really one to care what people like that think. I have always followed the motto that if I can help one person by telling them something that has helped me I have done my job on OH. So the tons of mail I get from people thanking me for telling them about the protein I drink or the vitamins I take or anything else I have posted. It makes it all worth it to hit the delete button and ignore the bad apples.
I dont need to get into a peeing contest with anybody when it comes to WLS because I did it for me and I know how successful I have been. Yup I know I could fall on my face just like any body else could. But I will work my hardest to stick to the surgeons protocol and do what is expected of me to try and make it.
And you know as well as I do that there are followers out there who will look up to someone else and do as they do. I have had people say they would did not exercise because so and so didnt and still lost their weight. Or they smoke so and so smokes and it hasnt bothered them. ANd even I drink soda because so and so does and it hasnt bothered them. And that is everones own choice. I listened really well to what my surgeon said and that is the plan I follow, and yup I do follow it perfectly. I have done nothing since my WLS that was not on his protocol. I was always afraid I would be the ONE person who did gain their weight back from not adhereing to the rules so I follow them religiously. I actually am a little stricter on myself than my surgeon is.
As for someone having reconstructive surgery just because I did I doubt it, but there is always that possibility. I dont recommend any surgery, not even RNY as well as mine has went. WHY because it is ultimately everyones own decision. and that is what I tell people they must research it for themself and they must do it for THEMSLEF not anyone else. Not me, not you, not their husband/wife, not SM not anyone but themself.
As for me being a medical professional I never said I was better or more educated than anyone else just stating what I have seen in my career. And you are absolutely right most of them dont know their but from a hole in the ground. One more reason to give them all the info you can in case of emergency.
So ultimately we are supposed to be working toward the same goal here, helping others giving our story and what info has worked for us. But we are helping noone when we just keep going against each other. I wonder if I had posted I got my medic alert bracelet from just an individual person like Lindy or from the drugstore even if I would of gotten the replys that I got?
As for the wing, it is much better. Very little pain really from any of my reconstructive work, managed well druing the day with plain tylenol. No drainage and minimal bruising. Am going out to Lewisburg today to have some stitches removed. Plan on spending the day with my mom and then back to work tomorrow. So nope it is not that bad.

Now see, you are taking this VERY personally, and for that I'm sad. I didn't post this on the main, not because of your post about Susan Maria's stuff - but in general. I know, like and respect people who sell these bracelets - including Dixie, Jamie and a few others - I didn't want to take business away from ANYONE. I'm sorry if you immediately jump to the conclusion that I meant one person in specific. I don't have the time or energy to worry about one person's business. I was thinking of MANY people's incomes.
I think they all make some very pretty bracelets...and even advertise for Dixie for free because I love her bracelets. That said, I still don't "recommend" medical ID's for the average WLS patient. That's strictly their choice.
As for you getting hate mail...I'm sorry you are experiencing that. You have a right to support whatever person, business person or otherwise, that you see fit...though I can see how people might think you work for someone by doing so. Heck, I've been accused of working for Sharon as Smarthealth - and I don't. But I'm not going to stress over those who want to think so. I just hit delete on those emails lol.
I've always thought you were a nice person, big hearted and someone who cares about others. Doubtful you'd be in medicine, if you didn't feel that way.
This topic to me, is no different than any other topic that starts to gnaw at me. I have to chew it bac****il I'm satisfied.
So hopefully we can agree to disagree. You think they're important - I don't.
Such is the nature of many things (including the ones you mention: caffeine, smoking, etc.). Hopefully, this won't ruin our camaraderie. I AM glad this drug you over to the grads board for a bit of active debate in a friendly way though
Oh and if you ask many, you'll see I've been irked by the bracelet issue for a LONG time - not just recently and certainly not because of any one person.
You're actually going back to work tomorrow!?! WOW!

Now see, you are taking this VERY personally, and for that I'm sad. I didn't post this on the main, not because of your post about Susan Maria's stuff - but in general. I know, like and respect people who sell these bracelets - including Dixie, Jamie and a few others - I didn't want to take business away from ANYONE. I'm sorry if you immediately jump to the conclusion that I meant one person in specific. I don't have the time or energy to worry about one person's business. I was thinking of MANY people's incomes.
I think they all make some very pretty bracelets...and even advertise for Dixie for free because I love her bracelets. That said, I still don't "recommend" medical ID's for the average WLS patient. That's strictly their choice.
As for you getting hate mail...I'm sorry you are experiencing that. You have a right to support whatever person, business person or otherwise, that you see fit...though I can see how people might think you work for someone by doing so. Heck, I've been accused of working for Sharon as Smarthealth - and I don't. But I'm not going to stress over those who want to think so. I just hit delete on those emails lol.
I've always thought you were a nice person, big hearted and someone who cares about others. Doubtful you'd be in medicine, if you didn't feel that way.
This topic to me, is no different than any other topic that starts to gnaw at me. I have to chew it bac****il I'm satisfied.
So hopefully we can agree to disagree. You think they're important - I don't.
Such is the nature of many things (including the ones you mention: caffeine, smoking, etc.). Hopefully, this won't ruin our camaraderie. I AM glad this drug you over to the grads board for a bit of active debate in a friendly way though
Oh and if you ask many, you'll see I've been irked by the bracelet issue for a LONG time - not just recently and certainly not because of any one person.
You're actually going back to work tomorrow!?! WOW!

Hi Dolly,
I will not comment on what is going on because I really do not know, but something you wrote sounded like something I go through now and then.
Some people think that because I LOVE Unjury and LOVE to talk about it, I must get paid to talk about it. ppfftttt I talk about it because I love it and when I love something I shout it from the roofs!!!!
I am a person that toots everything I find that I like and want everyone to check it out!
You go girl! If you love it, let the world know, whatever it is!

I have been here lurking and posting for over a couple years....this is ONE of the things I always saw and asked my surgeon about.......He said they were not neccesary, that if we were badly hurt and needed to be scoped or something, it should be a trained professional, and they would be able to see right away something was different....hence being more careful or whatever.....and with the NSAIDS same thing.....if we are unable to talk, we surely wouldn't be swallowing pills.....and the NSAIDS only affect us sitting in the pouch.....not thru an IV if thats what we were given. So I have never bothered getting one......he said carry something in your wallet if ya want......I don't do that either
But I probably should! Take Care