A question, if you have a moment....
Hey Tooterbug *hugs*
nope never wore one... Im not a very organized person. I forgot my birthcontrol pills constantly..thus i got pg 5x... 3 stuck.... so wearing faithfully a braclet everyday was like birthcontrol pills.
I do try very hard to do my vitamins and that alone is taxing my pea ADD brain lol... so ONE more thing to try to REMEMBER would be too much...

on 9/14/05 1:31 pm
on 9/14/05 1:31 pm
My proper southern aunt told me, "dear, you must always remember that your bosom can be fake, your smile can be fake, and your hair color can be fake. But your jewelry and silver must be real." And I just could find a medic alert bracelet that looked like real jewelry.
Okay, I'm teasing a bit, but no, I don't wear one and don't intend to do so.

I don't wear one. And MY OPINION about the nsaids is, I think if you take them once in awhile your not going to do a whole lot of damage, I feel, and this is just me, that the worry about nsaids is the long term use of them.
I take two pouch burner medications right now and have had no problems so far. I take them only because there is no other medication.
Remember, this is my opinion and mine alone
Well as you know already I just recently started wearing one. My surgeon actually recommended one before I ever came to OH. I bought one and never had it engraved nor bothered to wear it, I did however have one on a keychain and a card in my purse.
In the past few months my mom and dad had mentioned several times that I did not have one and that no one could ever tell I had had RNY surgery unless I told them. Then they proceded to tell me if I was unconscious I could not tell them. Made me think a little.
Now being a health care professional I have "SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES" nurses who went to far and punctured a "NORMAL" stomach I have actually seen this happen twice in my career of 16 years. Therefore I figure it would be easy to do to my little pouch. I know how long those tubes are since I used to put them down myself, and I know what them tubes especially in combination with suction can do.
As for making me feel good, why would it make me feel good? It is still a medic alert braclet. ANd when I am in the shower it lays on the towel ouside the bathtub. I guess when I go swimming I will take it with me and put it on when I am finished, the most important time I wear it is when I am driving, since that is when most accidents will occur.
So wouldn't it stand to reason that people with a "normal" stomach should wear one to request that their stomachs not be punctured? The logic makes little sense to me.....as for accidents one is more at harm of the stomach or bladder being ruptured during an auto accident, statistically, than they would be by the tubing in the ER.
To each their own...and I do appreciate your imput.