Pain when I eat!
Ok guys for the last 2 days every time I eat and it starts to go down it is like it gets stuck and causes great pain I have tried to flu**** down with something to drink but it just makes it worse and I am up throwing it back up.And I know it is not from eating to fast or not chewing well enough because I do just fine with that.So if anyone might know what this is from please let me know!!!

Candi, I had something like that before my WLS three years ago. Whenever I would try to eat something it felt like it was getting stuck and I would end up throwing up. My surgeon had a scope done and they said that my esophagus was closing up and they had to stretch it. I also had really bad acid reflux and an ulcer. I haven't had any problems since then but was told that since they had to stretch my esophagus I would probably have problems with that from now on. Anyway, I would recommend you talk to your doc and see about getting a scope.