What is your goal today?
My goals today were to run my errands(done),go pay bills(done),Go grocery shopping to get some stuff the kids could fix on thier own(done),came home cleaned house(done),washing laundry now,and to get some meals prepared becasue the Doctor said I would probally be laid up for a couple of days with some pretty bad cramping or pain and fever.So I am trying to get everything prepared for the days ahead that way my kids can pretty much do everything on thier own!Also I would like to take a walk today buit I think I will wait until later when it cools off some,I would like to go somewhere peaceful where I can sit a clear my mind of things!Well have a great day!!!

Hi there Candi, How are you? You mention cramping and fever? Are you going to have surgery if you don't mind me asking? I hope you will be OK.
How old are the kids? You would be so amazed at what kids can do when you they know you don't feel well. I was off today. It was so hot here in NY, I may wait until the sun goes down before I go bike riding. It sounds like you did alot today.
My goals today were to eat balanced meals. ........I did it.
My goal was to drink more water............................did not do it
My goal tonight will be not to snack..............
Did not get there yet.
Have a great day and talk to you again...Lorraine