Over 2Yrs Out - Snacking - Weight Gain
Ok -- I suspect that whatever I write here will be a cliche, but here goes. I had surgery in June 2003, started at 336 pounds, got down to a low of 152 in early March of this year, after my lower body lift in January (which I love the results from). However, despite having a brachioplasty and BA/BL in May, and a medial thigh lift in June, I have gained weight and am now fluctuating between 160 and 163. All the swelling has done down.
Now this is not a mystery -- I know the reason -- I am definately snacking and eating more, and exercising less. I still keep track of my intake on Fitday and sometimes am so alarmed by what I see. I go to my support groups and "talk the talk", but am having more and more difficulty "walking the walk." We all know that's how we gained so much weight before, knowing what we had to do, but not having the "strength" to do it.
I also would like to break the 150 mark and then realistically stay below 170 for the rest of my life -- I think this is realistic at 5'5". Whenever I say I would like to lose another ten pounds, everyone says "WHY - you look great." Maybe the compliments help me to rationalize when I snack too much -- ?????
Perhaps I need a kick in the ass from my old-time buddies here -- anybody have any ideas that could help get me in gear! This seems like such a petty plea since I KNOW what to do, but can't seem to get it going -- this has been going on for several months now.
Hi Nannette,
I don't know if I have any advice for you, since I am in a similar situation, but I will tell you this: You have to be congratulated for asking for help early on. You have only regained 10 lbs and are reaching out and recognizing the problem.
I am a little over 2 years post op and after losing 120 lbs, I have regained 40. I am so ashamed of myself.
To stop the rollar coaster, I decided to join Weigh****chers as a help and support group. I lost 13 lbs right away and then stopped. I thought I would come back to Obesity help and see how other posties or grads are doing.
As far as your long term goals, I think they are realistic. Don't listen to others, just do what feels right for you. Naturally, anyone that knew you at your pre surgery weight thinks you look fine now and don't have to worry about your weight. But we know that is not true.
Best of luck to you and I would encourage you to watch portions and also what you do snack on. I made some fantastic sugar free chocolate brownies the other day. It can be done, we can do it.
When you get an answer tell me. I am in the same boat ! I have regained 16 lbs !!!!! I have started back to walking and trying to get back to basics & not snacking unless it is a protien. I am supposed to go see my surgeon next month for my 2 year check up. I do not want to go in to see him with this weight on. HELP !!!
Boy, the thing about plastics---it's a miracle transformation sometimes, but then you can't exercise for awhile and it can lead to that upward spiral of weight gain. It has happened to my DH. He had his TT last Sept, and couldn't exercise for awhile and then got out of the habit and hasn't done much at all since and is now up 20 pounds. The snacking is back(he is a secret eater, so I don't know how he gains by what I see him eat, it's what I don't see that is getting him). More exercise/less snacking---easier said than done.
I too am wearing your shoes. While I haven't gained any weight back, I have not gotten to my personal goal. I'm 5'5" also and need to lose at least another 30 pounds. I'm post plastics (arms and tummy) and while the total swelling has not gone down from my plastic revision, I am very happy with the results I see so far. Just need to get that last bit of weight off. 30 pounds compared to the 175 I have already lost seems like such a SMALL amount, but it has turned into a Mt. Everest! I joined Weigh****chers (again) and even that is not helping. Course I'm not really following the point systems as it doesn't meet my protein requirements. So this week I'm doing the Core program. So when you figure out what to do, please let me know.
I sometimes feel like such a failure.

Thank you for all your responses. Although it helps to know that I am not the only one in this quandry -- I guess there are no easy solutions.
Yes, I think getting off the exercise track while I was recuperating from plastics helped contribute to the present problem. Also, my fiancee has a bit of a weight phobia, hence I have resorted to some (not lots) of "secret" eating too -- not a good sign I know! Add to all the above is that while I was married I didn't drink very much since my DH was a recovering alcoholic and I didn't want to drink around him. Since his passing, I have started to drink socially again, and while not a lot or overdoing it, my new social life includes drinking several ****tails most weekends. Since alcohol is just more empty calories, it contributes to the problem too!
Perhaps we can start our own "Daily Challenge" for each other and help keep each other on track. What do you think? Any other ideas?
Hi Nannette,
I am right where you are. My summer was spent at camp where there isnt much to do when you have 2 young children. I did not excersize, did not walk, did not do really anything physical. What I did do was drink and eat what I wanted. The results are in, I have gained between 10 and 15 lbs. I am so ashamed of myself!!! I KNOW I need to get back to the gym and I WILL, but I am such a procrastinator!!!
I was reading on a yahoo board I am a member of how getting on the protein train really seems to work. Maybe we can start on here.
Let me know if you make changes and what they are!
Good luck!!

I think Theresa has an excellent idea! Why not let's stop beating ourselves up and do this. We've come such a long way to reach the goals we have already met. First and foremost to get healthy. And yes, even losing 175 # I sometimes look at myself and just see all the fat that remains and think I've failed.
Then I put on something I look really hot in and I think Whoa Mamma!! You is da fox! (Yeah foxy momma at age 54!!)